

So, to let you guys know early, I'm going on a trip with my church starting Saturday so it may seem like I have vanished off the face of the earth.
Some people know I get specially attached to my pencils. Hissing ensues when one tries to take it without permission. And today, it must have fallen off my sketchbook because someone stepped on it during our garage sale and it has snapped in two. We got a new one, and so I'm working on getting it nice and up to my standards.
Bonus points if you can guess which Ipod app I'm struggling through right now...
This is the result of a very bored Squirrel. Whoever can find and name the most references gets a ham sandwich.

And Shyruni- Uhh, I think you may have to get them on Hatena or rerecord the sound in order to get sound on them. But you can get them on the computer, as I did with Amalia "Pwah"-ing, with use of an SD card, without sound... Verry frustrating, and Google hasn't helped much.

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