

Heh. Muahahahahahahahahahaha. My picture explains all...
SOOOO much nicer than notebook paper.

And yes, it's all pencil. Except for the red. That's, well, colored pencil.

Also, these people are AWESOME. http://www.youtube.com/user/RelativelyEpic?feature=chclk#p/u/4/Jx_ikC6klr0
Epic and Guitar are brothers who share a DS and post on Flipnote Hatena (mostly) It looks like they use a YouTube account, too.
I am trying to figure out my posting schedule, because it's really kind of weird to me to be posting every so often and then Shyruni and Esther are posting, like, once a week or so. Yup, Squirrel on a schedule. Crazy. Never thought that would happen.
Never fear, more regular posting is coming!

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