

Well, guys, here's ONE success.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hXr8cFge5U&feature=related Part One.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXmv0pOqly4    Part Two!

 Duke Atmospherestroller: Brandon
Geekio: Sam  
R2DS: Why, that's MY DS!
Indy Vidual: uhh... I stink with names, OK? 
Oldie One: Micah Tasma
Darth Gaga: Beth Andrus
Chunky: Will DeMan

Other Background
Lowerclassmen- Will DeMan, Gage Radaz, Kolton Radaz, Nathan (um)
Cafeteria Scene- Katie Wakeman, Beth Andrus, Kolton and Gage Radaz, Nathan, Will

Sorry if I forgot you. I am REALLY bad with remembering names...


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Successwin, cuz~

  2. Yup i was the dude in the chewbacca suit. very hot. I was also the first underclassmen to get shot.


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