
Movie Review: Hugo

Yo, Zoners, this Achilles, and I thought it would be a nice break from all the Shyruni-Is-Evil thing. So yesterday, I went and saw Hugo.

Hugo is based on the book The Mysterious Invention of Hugo Cabret. This is actually one of my favorite books. The way that the book is written is really cool. Half of it is written in pictures. You'll have fifteen or so pages a of words, and then you'll have ten pages of awesome sketches that carry on the story.

The point of the story is that Hugo is fixing an Automaton. A mechanical person. He has a notebook from his father, that helps him build it. But, he has to steal from a toy maker, to continue to make the machine. One day, he is caught by the toy maker, and the toy maker takes his notebook.

The acting was good, but the story progressed pretty slowly. Also Hugo and Frodo from The Lord of the Rings look really similar. Even the way that they act is similar.

I'd give Hugo a 4.5 out of 5.

Later, zoners.

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