
Stories from Middle-earth: Gollum Part 1

“Gollum! Gollum!” Smeagol swallowed a lump in his throat as he climbed a large boulder. After he had taken the Ring he had used it to gather secrets and steal others treasure. He was falling apart. He constantly had a lump in his throat that made him have to make a terrible noise in his throat. The noise for which he was named. The lump had first appeared when he had been run out of his homeland by angry villagers. He was know living in the Misty Mountains, catching birds, fish, and small animals to stay alive.
His close where tattered and his hair was falling out. He had composed a song about his sorrows. And his Precious.

Where once was light, now darkness falls.
Where once was love, love is no more.

Don't say... Goodbye,
Don't say... I didn't try.
These tears we cry,
Are falling rain.
From all the lies you told us,
The hurt! The blame!
And we will weep to be so alone,
We are lost!
We can never go home.

So in the end,
I will be what I will be.
No loyal friend,
was ever there for me!

Now we say... Goodbye,
Now we say... You didn't try.
These tears you cry,
Have come to late!
Take bake the lies!
The hurt! The blame!

And you will weep,
when you face the end alone!
You are lost!
You can never go home.

Gollum climbed the ridge, talking to himself. He look out at the land before him.
“Looks good for us, my Precious.” he said to himself. He gazed at a stream, licking his lips.
“Fishes for us, Precious.” he started to descend the ridge. His gaze never left the river. He leaped across the rocks, wanting to get to the fish as soon as possible.
“Will they be sweet, my Precious? Will they be good, Precious?” he said to himself. He hadn't had food for days. He was starving. He kept moving towards the stream. He wanted that fish.
“Must gets its, my Precious!” his stride lengthened. He was getting closer. He leaped into the stream, and tried to grab a fish. He realized he would have to be smart about it. He climbed back onto the stream bank. He searched for a fish. One peaked out and Gollum lunged. He grabbed it and tore off the fish's head. He devoured the fish in no time. He jumped back in for another. He ate six fish in this way. He then crawled into the rocky outcropping above him, and slept. 

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