
15 week countdown.

Well seeing as this week shall be the marker for 15 week till the movie 'The Hobblt: An Unexpected Journey" comes out we shall do a countdown!

Every Week I shall post one of my least favorite or favorite thing about LOTR. Every week will also be one of my favorite quotes. So, lets fire up this first week!

My Favorite Character from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

Peregrine Took!!!
And it just happens that my #1 favorite quote is about Pippin. The Fellowship is in the Chamber of Mazarbul when Peregrine twists an arrow protruding from a skeleton. The corpse fall down a well, bringing along a lot of chains and bucket. This alerts the orcs to the Fellowships presence. Gandalf scolds Pippin with the words "Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!"

Stay tuned for next week.


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