

Today I have two people I am going to publicly wish happy birthday- Achilles, because I never officially did that, and my friend Avery from school. If you guys see Avery today, don't forget to give him his "birthday punches" he wanted today. XD XD XD

I hope you guys enjoy being a year older!
I, too, am almost another year old. However, the age of mine shall not be released >:D

I am getting a corn snake.
Yes. For real, and please please let me know if you have any name suggestions. I have none.
I am getting parental permission to use the expensive red camera for my Shayminventures photography, and unless I get any objections, it is a go!
Also, please comment or email theauthorszone@gmail.com if you would like to be able to read my most recent story. I am keeping it private right now because it is still in the makings, but if you request an invitation VERY nicely I shall invite you.
Title: ?
Spin off? Sort of. Okami and Okamiden. 
Genre: ?
Author: Squirrel
Welp. That be it.
For now.

"This is madness."


  1. Well youngling, (HaHa just kidding, what are you 2 years younger?) if your a harry potter fan you could name it slitherin. after all it never said if his son got sent to that house, and it was snape who was like a wierd step dad to harry. or you could name it fang but to me that sounds like the name of a wolf.

  2. You should name the cornsnake Aardvark. It would totally throw people off.


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