
Unending Battle: The Orb


It was almost midnight and Katara was getting bored. Almost the entire group, except Rine and Malyn, had been at a royal ball all night. The only thing that she had been enjoying about it was her dress. She loved it. It was bright green with blue accents. Demigod had asked Malyn were the royal family got there clothes, and had bought new gowns and tunics, sot hat they would blend in with the crowd at the party.
Demigod sidled up next to her. He passed her a note behind his back. He was till wearing his usual boots, but his tunic was brand new. It was a deep earthy black. Demigod had said with a chuckle that black was the only color he felt truly at home in.
Stay alert. I know its boring, but you need to stay awake, alert, cautious, and ready. Blend in with the crowd. If someone asks you to dance, dance. If they don’t ask someone. DON’T LOOK SUSPICIOUS!
As if he had been reading her note with her, a guy walked over to her. She glanced at Demigod. He nodded.
Demigod mingled with the crowd. He noticed Heanor and Aris standing bye the refreshments table. They were talking to a local baron and his wife.
Demigod skirted around a couple and found Arryd. He was standing close to a large potted plant.
“How goes, Arryd.” Demigod asked him.
“Things are winding down. Give the party another hour.” said Arryd. Demigod nodded.
“Demigod! How do you like it?” said a female voice behind him.
“It is indeed grand. How did you come up with an idea like public parties every month. It must be costly.”
“Demigod, you should talk like a normal person sometime. You sound like Heanor when he’s giving a speech. Just relax.” she said. Demigod shrugged.
“Ah, Demigod. I see that you have decided to join our little party that is open to all.” said Heanor, sidling up next to Aris.
“Indeed.” said Demigod.
“There he goes again, talking all formal and professional.” said Aris, rolling her eyes.
“Indeed.” said Demigod, just to annoy her. Aris gave him a look that  other would give to a naughty child.
“Tell me a bit about yourself, Demigod.” said Heanor. Demigod said that it was a long and rather unpleasant tale.
“We have all night.” said Heanor, motioning to some chairs.
“Well, I was born the year that you ascended the throne.” started Demigod.
“I was but five.” said Heanor.
“Indeed.” said Aris, mimicking Demigod. Demigod ignored them and continued his story.
“I grew up in a broken home. My father was rarely sober and was not clean of adultery. I believe that I am not the son of his first wife, nor his second. I had a sister also. She was not of the same mother. In fact, we were completely different. I don’t remember much, but what I do is that she had very fair hair and was much more lively then myself.
“When I was but five, me and my sister were sent to a monastery. There we learned to read and write. I learned the histories of the world there. I loved the ancient tales of the high kings of Kaed.” Heanor smiled at this.
“My sister was sent away but six months after we arrived at the monastery. I believe she was sent to a convent, where she learned from nuns.
“As soon as I came of age at thirteen, I left the monastery. I snuck out in the night, stealing the sword that is at my side as we talk.” Demigod lifted his cloak to reveal the hilt of Fandril.
“I wanted to search for my sister, but got sidetracked. I met a girl in a village. She had been bartering with a man for fish, but he was giving her a hard time. Eventually, the man shoved the girl, and I came to her defense. Let me tell you, that man was surprised to find a lad of thirteen holding a large sword beneath his chin. I helped the girl up, and we became friends. She asked where I lived, telling me that she knew everyone in the village and had never seen me before. I told her the tale that I have told you up to that point.
“The girl said that her parents might let me stay with them. She took me to her home, which was a large mansion, and asked her parents. I met Aris at this house. The girl was her adopted sister. It was quite obvious, because the girl, I found her name was Jae, had fiery auburn hair and Aris and her parents had dark brown, which you can observe in Aris today.” said Demigod.
“Aris and Jae’s parents let me stay, saying that they would be happy to take in orphans. Jae was an orphan. She ha been found on the doorstep we she was a baby. For a few happy years, I had real parents. Not a drunk father and several step mothers or old tonsured monks. I was cared for and loved.  
“Then, when I was nineteen, things changed. I had fallen in love with Jae, and she with me. We were walking in the woods, talking, when we where attacked by a pack of wild dogs. I tried to fend them off, but my sword slipped and pierced Jae. Thus she died, and my sword turned black as death.” Demigod unsheathed Fandril. The dark blade shone in the torch light. Heanor gasped as the blade was revealed.
“Who are a Blacksword?” he asked. Demigod nodded.
“But by accident, not intention.” said Demigod. Heanor simply nodded. Demigod returned Fandril to her sheathe.
“I was ridiculed by the village. They beat and tortured me, thinking I had murdered her out of malice, but Aris’s parents never doubted my story. For that I am grateful to them. After that, I left. I’ve wandered most of Theresia. I honed my fighting skills in my wandering, vowing that i would do as much good in the world as possible. I would make amends.” said Demigod. He leaned back in his chair.
There was tears in Aris’s eyes. She never heard Demigod’s full life story.
“That is so sad.” she said. Demigod studied the floor. The room had gone quite. It appeared that many of the guests had left.
“Well, I should return to my lodging.” Said Demigod with a large stretch and yawn.
“Goodnight.” said Heanor and Aris. Demigod tunred and left. Katara, Arryd, Kouken, and Kayla followed.
Demigod turned down a hall. He turned to meet the other four. Kayla pulled a bow from beneath her skirt. Arryd grabbed his from the place he had previously hidden it. Kouken and Katara retrieved theirs as well.  
“Are we ready?” asked Demigod. Kayla and the rest of the group nodded.
“Good. Follow.” whispered Demigod. He crept down a hallway. A guard stood around the corner.
“Goodnight.” said Demigod, snatching the helmet off of the soldier’s head and clubbing the guard with his sword pommel. He grabbed the man’s collar on the way down, to prevent the soldier’s armor from making a loud noise.
The group filed past the unconscious man. Demigod led them down the hall to a large window.
“All right, Katara. You know what to do.” said Demigod. Katara nodded and dropped out the window. She turned into a dragon and flew away to pick up Rine and Malyn. The remaining four settled down in hiding places to wait for her return.

Katara landed on the window sill. Rine and Malyn jumped off her back. Demigod stood.
“Welcome, now we really get started.” Demigod motioned for them to follow. He led them through the halls and to a room. He ducked inside.
Demigod was faced with five soldiers.
Swords, shields, spears. Full armor. Probably the best of the best, he though. They lowered their spears at him.
“Boys, I only want the orb. He said. Demigod swiftly drew Fandril and thrust it threw one of the guard’s torso. The rest of the soldiers charged him. Demigod danced around the spears, whistling to signal the rest of he group too come in.
Arryd and Kayla loosed arrows. The missiles pierced the heavy armor, wounding the soldiers.
Demigod dispatched the other two and gently set them on the floor them on the floor. Demigod straightened and approached the a pedestal that stood in the middle of the room. Demigod pulled a cloth off of a round shape.
A soon as the cloth came off, a blinding light filled Demigod’s vision. He fell to the ground. He shielded his eyes and peered around him. His friends appeared to be frozen in time. He got up and gazed into the orb.
Demigod.....  a voice whispered in his head.
Demigod stared into the orb.
You endanger you friends. This night will do them and you little good. I know why you have come. To have you dream interpreted. The answer is simple. Go across the sea and find the tower. When you do, find our sisters and escape as quickly as you can. You must hurry, or the terrors in you dream will pass as night and day. Some have already passed and are preparing to.....
“Demigod? Demigod?” Arryd’s voice and his hand on Demigod’s shoulder brought him back to reality.
“I’m fine. We must leave. Katara, can you carry all of us on your back?” Demigod asked her. She shook her head.
“Okay. You take Rine and Malyn back to the Blunt Blade, Arryd, Kayla, Kouken and I will go through the courtyard and out the main gate.
So it went as that. Katara and the two girls left through the window, and Demigod and the other three went down the hall.
“We will most definitely meet guards. Do not kill.” said Demigod. The group entered a large courtyard. They were met by a score of soldiers.
“What on earth....?” said Demigod. A man with dark brown hair with gray streaks and a beard.
“We got a tip that a two men an elf, three girls, and a Furry would be breaking in.” said the bearded man. “But I only see two men an elf and a girl.”
“Indeed, you’ve been wrongly informed.” said Demigod.
“But, I do know that one of the girls owns a inn called the Blunt Blade.” said the man slyly.
“That is myself.” said Kayla. The man raised an eyebrow.
“I thought that the owner of the Blunt Blade was a thirteen-year-old girl.” he said.
“Well, enough talk. Aren’t you going to arrest us or something?” asked Demigod.  
“Yes, are you going to give yourselves in?” asked the bearded man.
“Nope.” said Demigod. He drew Fandril and struck off the head of the man.

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