


Yep. Okay, time for a little back-story.

My church smallgroup is trying to raise money for a charity. We don't know which one yet, be will be sending all profits.... somewhere that needs it.

My friend Nick gave all the dudes in my smallgroup a tiny bit of seed money. We are supposed to invest that money and turn a profit. My idea for turning a profit is to have a writing contest!

The rules are:

To enter, you have to pay $2. (that's how I turn a profit.)

The prize is $10 dollars of cold hard cash. OOOOOOHHHH YEEEAAAAAHHH! So, if you enter, the money you spent entering could be multiplied five times!

You must be between the ages of 9 and 14. It would probably be best if you know me personally and see me on regular basis to enter, since I have to get the entry money somehow and give you the prize money somehow if you win.

You story must be 850 words or less.

Your story has to be completely original. No piggy-backing on Harry Potter or Percy Jackson or you best friend's book report. It must be YOUR story with YOUR plot and YOUR characters.

To enter, e-mail me at theauthorszone@gmail.com

please send:

Day Time phone-number:
Email Adress:
Name of your story:
List of Character in you story:
Number of letters in you story:

Also, in your story you must have somebody do something unexpected! Example: The Queen of England burbs loudly at a formal dinner. You also need to have at least one illustration. So, lets revise the stuff you need to send me.

Day Time phone-number:
Email Adress:
Name of your story:
List of Character in you story:
Number of letters in you story:
You Illustration:
Your Unexpected Event:

Well, Tell your friends.

Peace out!


  1. So my writing is too epic to be in your contest? Completely understandable. 850 words is totally not enough to make a good story :P


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