

Aaugh! No posts for several weeks- NOT GOOD! I wish Shyruni would come back. (HINT HINT HINT)
My family is moving, so I have a bit of an excuse. Though I have been posting on S/D lately... aha. AHAHAHA. FLIPNOTE ATTACK!!!

This year, the Author's Zone is going to be turning one. On 6/18/12, I would like to announce that I will be posting and showing ALL fan art that is submitted to the Zone!
I am doing something similar for Dragons and Squirrels, but for the Zone I shall have AWARDS.
Most Creativest
Most Prettiest
Most Celebration-y-est
The rules for this are the same as the Dragons and Squirrels rules will be:

1. All fanart will be displayed or shown in some way!! Unless it is inappropriate. It must be appropriate. (i.e. no swearing, naked people or blooooooood)
2. You can send it in WHATEVER means necessary!!! Just.... don't stalk me. If you need to post it on facebook or email it to me or fly it through pigeon post, go ahead.
3. Please make sure it has SOMETHING to do with Dragons and Squirrels being 2. Yes, I know your picture of a cow is lovely, but what does it have to do with the blog...?
4. This can be in any form!!!! You can send pictures of your clay creations, draw a masterpiece, or pose in a picture. I don't care! (As long as it's appropriate.)
5. HAVE FUN WITH IT!!!!! Don't kill yourself trying to make it good! I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT!!!! I want to see what this site inspires you to do. :D
With one extra.
6. NO COMPLAINING! Being a whiny butt just because you haven't seen the results or fanart of others does NOT give you the rights to whine away the hours to us.
Trust me, it's annoying.

Fanart can be submitted through email at theauthorszone@gmail.com

Can't wait to see it, if there will be any! I HOPE SO!!! PWAH!! Later.

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