
Denial is bad!! owo

I lunged for the neckware and the cat looked at my path. He yelled something, but I was already shaking it over my head and around my neck. It started to glow and the cat hissed.
“WAIT!! Have you--” he screamed.
I felt like I was on fire. My paws were burning, and so was my head, but it didn’t hurt. The cat suddenly started yelling. I grew afraid and started to run; I ran out of the cave and out into the forest. It was now dark, but the moon glowed brightly as soon as I darted out. It seemed to reflect off of my movements; flickering when I turned and fading when I skulked into the shadows.
I turned back to look at the cave. The spotted feline sat on a rock watching me. Ven was peering out at the moon. I looked at it. It suddenly started to glow a menacing red color. There was an angry roar. The mountain itself seemed to shake and I dove for cover as I felt something burn inside me. I couldn’t say what it was. I growled and wondered if this might have been a torch that my mysterious ancestor was talking about.

His voice suddenly popped back into my head. Welcome aboard, young one.
I wasted no time. Was that one of the torches you mentioned earlier?
Glad you remember that. Yes, yes it was.
I sighed. I suppose I have to go relight it again, then?His laughter resounded in my head. Eeeeeyup. That one was love. You better fix that one quickly, for your own sake.
I groaned. Excuse me?
I’ll tell you later, he smirked. But I’m sure you’ll find out eventually.
I pleaded for an answer, but the voice in my head was silent.
Ven called my name and I looked his way. He looked scared for some reason, so I asked him why.
“Sharama, I felt something... vanish... inside me or something. We need to get back to everyone else, anyways. They’re probably worried sick, and we need to ask Ebony about this.”
I nodded and agreed.

The clearing was empty. Not even footprints remained, but I could tell there was stress in the air, causing a blinding tension in my head. I sniffed around but found nothing, and it was even a time was willing to accept help. I snarled and sat down.
“They left! How could they leave?” I felt fire creep up my paws and settle just above my shoulders, waiting for something that I didn’t know about.
“It’s well after dark, they could have come to search for you. Us. Whatever. Don’t blame them,” Ven moaned. I could tell that he didn’t believe himself.
“They left,” I heard to my right. I whipped around, still as untrusting as ever. It was the cat. “It looks and feels like they came looking for you two.”
He padded over and sat down before me, and beckoned my head down to his. I followed and received a sharp swipe to the face.
“Oww! What was that for?” I cried.
The cat smirked. “Look around,” he said. “Do you see any sign that life ever existed here?”
I didn’t see what he  was getting at, but I shook my head. The place looked dead as dead could be.
“That’s the genius of it all. It’s SUPPOSED to look dead. A fresh sheet of dead leaves have been spread, and the scents have been camouflaged somehow. They DID leave, they just didn’t want to either be followed or desecrated. It’s possible that they have gone on the same trek that you are now embarking on.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” I said. They all knew this. I was not getting involved with some dumb ‘save-the-world’ scheme.
“I think you are,” the cat started to laugh. I didn’t understand. “You have stolen from me, technically. Now you owe me a debt. If you want to live freely again without me hounding you for repayment, you can get your tail out there and relight the torch. Understood?”
I felt my ear start twitching. I  don’t like cats. I especially don’t like this one. What if I just ate him? No,cat tastes bad. Besides, I'm not that mean. I think for a split second before agreeing to save the world, as long as this greedy cat forgot about my dumb debt that shouldn’t be.
I look around. I noticed that it was still nighttime- that’s hard to do when you have sunfire on your shoulders.
“Why don’t I set off in the morning? I’ll be seen by any hungry night creature if I leave in THIS darkness,” I grinned. Buying myself time, I suppose. Well worth it.
“Why don’t,” the cat smirked, “you do something about the sun being down?”
I twitched my ears.
“That... that’s impossible, right?”
“The only things that are impossible are the things that haven’t been tried. Try it, you might be  surprised.”
I didn’t want to. I plopped down on the ground and tried to sleep.
That night, my dreams were riddled with strange other dogs and well- known formations of rock and sand all about Aikenew. On the plateau of the West Beaches, I saw a gathering of six canines. Then they left, immediately after I saw them. One, a slender Greyhound, leapt off of the rock and was carried away by the wind. The second, a retriever, padded down the beach and into the sea. A large, strong-looking one did something with a rock to get himself uipon the mountain itself. A wispy dog darted into the forest, its path hidden from view. A black Pom flew into the sky on wings of color that looked like the spirit lights I see in the sky during the snowy months. The only one left was my ancestor. He looked at me with a smiling eye.
“Don’t be insulted that they left. I had nothing do with your timely arrival. You have a question for me, I imagine?”
“Well, several, actually.” I wondered how he knew that.
“Let’s not waste time staring at one another, then. Ask away.”
“The cat said I could bring up the sun.” Which he did, but I didn’t believe.
“Yes, we can. That’s what I do every day. It’s quite simple, really. You just have to throw a touch of sun fire into the sky and WHAMMO! You have a sun. What else?”
“I can throw sunfire? Is that the fire that was on me? How was I not burned by it?” Interesting concept, throwing sunfire. “Again, yes. You just have to imagine it like there is a ball in your mouth. It’s terrible fun. Yes again, it sunfire. Our race is the only race that cannot be burned by sun fire, and we really have no weakness but ourselves.”
“I didn’t know that.”“You haven’t known a lot until yesterday. Next question?”
“The wings.” I wanted to fly, too. Fly away from all the people being stupid and trying to get me to save the world.
“Ah, the wings...” My ancestor sounded slightly concerned. “Those you don’t- no, can’t  learn how to use easily. I guess it won't hurt to tell you that you just imagine the sunfire into wings; but if you can’t yet even throw the fire you certainly can’t fly yet.”
I felt crushed. No fleeing yet, I suppose. “Oh. And who were those other dogs?”
“They will introduce themselves when they wish.”
There was an awkward silence as I thought about what would be a good thing to say next. After all, I can’t know who these other people were until THEY introduce themselves and I can’t fly. This conversation had been pointless except for learning about sunfire. The fire that danced down my spine and on my shoulderblades.
“I should go now and bring up the sun. Would you like to watch?”I nodded. The experience would be nice.

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