

I have taken a Myer's Brigg's personality test and I came out as ENTJ (Extravert iNtuitive Thinking Judging.)

I also did a little search of some famous people and fictional characters who were ENTJ.

The Nonfictional ENTJs are:

1. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
2. Julius Caesar
3. Napoleon Bonaparte
4. Winston Churchill
5. Adolf Hitler
6. Hannibal

The Fictional ones:

1. Captain America
2. Eomer (LOTR)
3. Peter Wiggin (Ender's Game)
4. Sauron (LOTR)
5. Darth Vader
6. Edmund (Chronicles of Narnia)

Just for a little background on the ENTJ type, we are known as the Executive, Field Marshal, and Chief. Our strength is mobilizing people, thus we are excellent leaders and are very ambitious. Being a Thinking Judging person means that I am able to make decisions without consulting my emotions. I will always do what works best as a whole, not what will benefit certain people.


  1. Where did you find this list of people?

  2. Me and Jay discussed the personalities of famouse people, and these were the ENTJs.


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