
Larnold and Dolle

Picture this:

You are at the Halloween party when a man walks into the room eating a whole pineapple. Everyone stares at him, noticing his outrageous lizard costume. Then, you realize that you know this person. His name is Chuck Walla and you went to collage with him. He then singles you out and begins to talk to you about his cat, while chewing the whole pineapple with his mouth open. 

Then, your brother walks in full cycling apparel. Not exactly what you would want to wear to party. The super tight shorts aren't exactly conspicouse.  He's sweaty, panting and smells terrible. Then he joins in your conversation with Chuck!

Then you wake up. You turn on your TV and find out that America has declared war on Antarctica. You are immediately drafted and sent to Antarctica to battle a horde of Karate Penguins. Then you realize that in you dream, the man named Chuck Walla was dressed as a lizard. You realize how on creative this is, seeing a chuckwalla is type of lizard. How could you brain have come up with this? Then you are slain by a flipper. 

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