
Christmas and Story Update!

Hey guys! Hope you all had an excellent Christmas season.This year my "big" present was a KindleFire, which is a full android tablet. I have a somewhat downgraded version of Photoshop on it, and I''ve been drawing waaaaaaaaaay too much. so before I post my grand story update, here' s something I did the other night:

There' s a Pikachu, a Snorlax, Tails and a very... DISTURBED... Creeper. Yikers, it kind of scares even me.

Anyhoo. Here be the story update...

  • Sharama: Progressing, though being revised
  •  Celestia' s Order- Missing. I hate to admit it but the four pages I had inked, somewhat colored and nearly finished have vanished. I' m trying to find it.
  • ALara: Progressing slowly with the real Minecraft world of the same name.
  • Shiny Pichu Adventures: Mostly cancelled, though there is a link to the document http://themysteriousforce.blogspot.com/ there.
  • SHAYMINVENTURES: Cancelled. Sorry.
  • HZML: May or may not be continued.
  • If there is anything else, I have forgotten it... 
Thanks for sticking with us another year! As 2013 lurks just around the corner, we laugh in the faces of the Mayans anticipate another year of awesomeness! 

Have a good one!


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