
When you have Chickens, you get eggs.

Well Duh

I just did paintball for the first time! literally, it was like an hour ago. I went with my church smallgroup. It was totally Awesome!

And know for 60 second LOTR news flash.

Okay, so you know at the battle of Pellenor Fields with the Mumakils? Yeah until 2 days ago I didn't know either! It turns out that the better known Oliphaunts are only called Oliphaunts by Hobbits! I know Crazy! The Haradrim, Gondorians, Rohirrim, and Orcs call them Mumakils. So the question is, do we call them Mumakils or Oliphaunts?


Read up and leave a comment on what you think!


  1. Wow. My posts must be boring or something, cuz people never comment on them. Maybe its my obsession with LOTR.

  2. nah, you and maybe Shyruni are the only people who comment on MINE... I'm kinda hoping to advertise on my YouTube. Actually...


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