
Leonard's journey to Alara

Leonard awoke in the sea. A sense of confusion surrounded him along with the water. Panic soon replaced the confusion, enveloping him in a terrifying and cold sensation. He pumped his arms and legs, desperately longing for the sky.

His gasping mouth broke the surface, his limbs flailing. He frantically whipped his head around, searching for something dry. He spotted a tiny island, just few meters off. He swan towards it.

Leonard climbed onto the sandy shore of the island. I box sat in the center of the island. It was surrounded by torches that endlessly burned. He picked the torches up. The box was not unusual, nor especially dull, but just plain. It was perfectly square with a latch on one side and two hinges on the other. He opened the lid. Inside were a chunks of wood, a wooden pickaxe and two axes, one stone, the other wooden. He picked up the wood. It shrunk till it was only a little bigger than his fingernail. He placed it in his pocket. The same happened with the wooden pickaxe and axe. Those too he placed in his pocket. The grasped the stone ax in his hand. He hit the chest with it. It shrunk. He placed it in his pocket.

Leonard studied his surroundings. A solitary tree guarded the opposite edge of the tiny island. A small patch of sand was were he had entered the island. A few stalks of sugarcane sat in the sand. Other than these few details, the island was insufferably boring.

Leonard pulled the wooden chunks out of his pocket. He used his ax to turn them into planks. He stacked the planks in magical formation that created the most powerful of objects in the universe. A crafting table. He placed more wooden planks in the magical table. A boat magically appeared by the crafting table. He picked up the boat and put it in his pocket. He spent the next hour or so collecting supplies. He chopped down the tree, dug up some dirt, collected the sugarcane. Anything that could be potentially helpful went in his pockets.

As night began to fall, Leonard jumped in his boat and pushed off. He spent the night in the boat. Then another. Then yet another. Hunger began to take its toll upon Leonard. His only hope was to spot land some time soon. It was during the fifth night of his journey that he spotted another life form. A sudden indescribable sound echoed in the night. Leonard sat up and saw a tall black figure teleport right next to his boat. He shrieked. The creature teleported again. Every time it teleported and red flash lit the sky. Leonard watched in awe and fear as the Enderman shot around the water, dying. This event filled Leonard with great joy and elation. He was nearing land. No Enderman could have teleported far from land. He was near the end of his purgatory.

When Leonard landed, his broke his boat. A giant gash was cut in the side as he hit the gassy shore. He left the boat, seeing as it was now broken and useless. He saw a chicken. A form of feral savagery only found in orcs and half starved human came over him. He attacked the bird, killed it with a single blow. A carcass was dropped along with a feather. Leonard grabbed the carcass and ripped into it. He devoured it in just a few bites.

Then Leonard heard the noise. A terrifying sluroing noise. A massive and hideous spider attacked him. Leonard was hit full one in the face by the spider. He hit the spider with his axe. The spider attacked again. This time Leonard was able to fight it back. He chopped at the spider on last time. It died and dropped a spider eye and ball of string. Leonard picked these up. Leonard took some of the dirt he had collected on the island and quickly built and tiny house. He lit it up with torches. Leonard had entered the realm of Alara.

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