
Worldview stuffs

Definitions of a worldview: How one perceives their actions and the actions of others based upon the seven questions:

1. Who is God?
2. What is the origin of the Universe?
3. What is the cause of evil and suffering?
4. What is the essential nature of man?
5. What is the basis for morality and Ethic?
6. What happens to man at death?
7. What is the meaning of history?

In short, this my personal worldview:
1. God is the almighty and infinite creator of the universe who I can have a real and personal relationship with.
2. God created all things in six days. All things were created in 144 hours. 8640 minutes. 518400 seconds. Everything was created good and perfect. On the sixth day, God created man, who was VERY good.
3. Eve was deceived  by the Satan and rebelled against God. Adam also sinned at the exact moment because he was passive and stood by, watching her eat the fruit. In Adam's act of sinning, all of mankind sinned with him.
4. Man was created perfect. Man rebelling against God and is now evil.
5. The basis for morality and ethics is God. God is THE ultimate good. Nothing is more perfect, pure, good, or loving then God. Therefore, whatever God tells us to do, must be good and vice versa.
6. Man has the ability to choose were he will spend eternity after death. He can a) reject God and burn in hell for all eternity, or b) accept God's gift of grace, which is freely given, and spend eternity in the presence of God.
7. The sole meaning of history is to show that the world is utterly evil and our ONE AND ONLY hope is in the return of Christ Jesus.

Lets visit the worldview of the some pop culture icons

First off: Harry Potter!!!

1. Man can achieve a higher status and becomes God through magic. (wizards and witches)
2. If magic is god, then the world must have been made by magic. (all things can be controled by magic)
3. Man is good, but some choose to be bad. (Harry vs. Voldemort)
4. Evil is the cause of suffering. (Voldemort killing Harry's parents)
5. Morality and ethics are determined by ones own sense of right and wrong. (Voldemort being brought up around evil is used to evil, therefore, evil is all he knows.)
6. Man becomes a ghost. (Hogwarts ghosts.)
7. History is to be learned from.

Second: Marvel Comics!!!

1. God does not exist, but there are godlike humans who visit Midgard (earth). (Thor, Storm, Loki)
2. The universe simply came to be.
3. Man choose his path of good or bad (Captain America: Ultimately good, the icon of America is when boiled down. Ironman: Describes himself as "Billionaire, genius, playboy, philanthropist.)
4. Man is good, supervillains are bad and crooked. (Mortals are almost never battled in Marvel comics. There is always a superhuman villain.)
5. Morality and ethics are decided by the Superhumans. (Superheroes are ALWAYS fighting for the 'good' side.)
6. In this case, Man goes to live in Asgard, or heaven.
7. History is the past.

Third: The Lord of the Rings
1. An almighty being (Iluvatar) creating Middle-Earth. God-like Istari are sent to Earth. (Gandalf, Saruman, Ratagast)
2. Iluvatar created Ea ( the world)
3. Good is deffined by the examples of good in the world that are set by the gods. Gandalf is constantly spurring men to combat Sauron.
4. All evil comes from the Dark Lords. It started with Morgoth/Melkor and ended with Sauron.
5. Morality and ethics are examplified (yes, I made that word up) by Gandalf and Sauron. They are the polar opposties of Middle-Earth. Gandalf is a never dying flame that is pursueing the free people of Middle-Earth to stand and combat evil. Sauron is constantly working to bring down and corrupt Middle-Earth. He does it in secret (palantiri) and in plain sight (orc raids, siege of Minas Tirith)
6. all throughout the story, elves are departing Middle-Earth to sale across the sea to Valinor. Valinor is like heaven. In Valinor, the elves can forget everything and live in eternal bliss. When the Ring was destroyed, Sauron was cast into the Void.
7. In Middle-Earth, history is well recorded. There is reason for this. It is to show how evil things have been in the past, and how much eviler they are now.

Now, lets compare these things to my biblical worldview.

Harry Potter:

If man is God, then all things go downhill from there. In man being God, there is no purpose to life. NOTHING in Harry Potter fits with the bible.

Marvel comics:

This is simply a copy of Harry Potter. But, there are some things that sort of echo a biblical worldview. Morality and ethics. Good and evil are decided by superhumans in Marvel comics just like God sets morality and ethics in the real world. The highest form of good sets good and bad.

Lord of the Rings.

Now, you may know that I'm a LOTR NUT. I love Middle-Earth. But know this also: I am not twisting LOTR to make it fit. Why does it fit PERFECTLY with a biblical worldview? Because it was written by an avid follower of Christ by the name of J.R.R Tolkien.

A parting word:

Whatever you create, whether its a drawing, a story, or a youtube video it will ALWAYS reflect you worldview. Know your worldview.

1 comment:

  1. YEs, if one is inherently evil, evil will shine through, no matter the face they put up.
    The same is true for the reverse.


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