
Crosspost from S/D

So, guys, before I paste this, I must know- would you rather I just paste the post or could I start just give you to my blog, where the original post is?



The big stink in my life nowadays is getting ready for high school. It may be half a year away, but scheduling, planning, testing, and such still need to happen.

I have been frustrated with my school for the past year or so due to their lack of logic and care of the student body.

For one, my district has basically ordered everyone to make their students do something called PMR. (Preview, Mark, Respond) which is kind of a rewire of your thought process. After you read the paragraph, you must proceed to write a paragraph about something pertaining to the article. Of these PMR paragraphs and assignments in general, I have gotten one back. And that was the one I did for band. We have to do at least two in each class, and I've done at least one in almost all of my six classes. Ridiculous? I think so.

Along with that, there's my math predicament. I am in all but one of the offered advanced classes. From my understanding, the advanced math class I am not in is one that I could not take without giving up one of my other advanced classes. The funny thing is, there are other algebra classes. The one I could probably take would be the fifth hour class, as it is my gym/elective hour. But do you know what? I talked to my math teacher about getting into an algebra class, and apparently I have "missed too much" already. I am having trouble seeing what's helping me get ready for next year, seeing as pre-algebra seems to just be a repeat of last year's math class. Along with that, I do not get along with any of the children in my current pre-algebra class.

...Okay, so they're my age. But they act like children. Or I just act older than I am. I don't know.

My experience today with high school scheduling was kind of the gunpowder at the end of the trail of oil.

I am probably going to be going to a different kind of school next year. See, I would take all of my "core classes" there, then return to what would be my high school for elective classes at the end of the day. Unfortunately for me, that throws my entire schedule into question! There was a guidance counselor there today for the scheduling stuff, so like any person with even an ounce of logic in their head, I asked her about it. She didn't seem to understand what I was asking, or didn't care, I don't know. She told me to pick all my classes and completely brushed me off. I also needed to ask her about a form that I need filled out by a guidance counselor, but she never gave me time. I have "first load busses" that leave very shortly after school is over and could not take the time to stay after class and ask about it.

There's also the issue of my stinking gym class. I don't really know anyone in this class, either, and the people  I DO know don't choose to include me. Because of this, my gym teacher is not very fond of me (or introverts in general, for that matter) and she tries to hide it, but she's not very good at it. The other thing she's cross with me about is sports in general. Being a gym teacher, she loves all the girls who play sports. She literally approached me just to tell me that "I had the body to do these things, so I may as well." I am not entirely sure what this was supposed to be implying, physically or generally, but she WAS directly referring to the playing of sports. I was very, very, very insulted.

My other gym teacher calls me Ryan, too, which was just ridiculous, especially seeing as I have told him about three times that it's pronounced like Rin.

On the other hand, this other school is supposed to be for more advanced, creative students like me. I have heard from someone with my kind of a thought process that the teachers actually understand and tolerate. They TRY to facilitate your capabilities, rather than require you to do it their way or the high way. The learning at this school is "project based learning" rather than lecture-based, meaning that instead of telling you stuff, testing you on stuff, then letting you not think about the stuff ever again, you are the one in charge of making sure you know what you need to know.

My "mentor" (kind of, he goes there and we're friends) there told me about some of the projects he's done there. They sound AMAZING. It isn't like, "Tell class about research and that's it." These projects have SIGNIFICANCE!! They are videos, oh gosh, so much epicness.

And the coolest part, I think? I would be the third group to go there, if I heard correctly.


Hopefully next time I'll have something a bit less serious. This is a pretty depressing post, I think. :-P

Have a dragon.


  1. I already know where I'm going to for highschool.... snicker.

    1. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just you wait until college.

  2. I know the general are of were I'm going college too! I'm staying Mihcigan, probably going for degree in art, English, applied history, or sustainable living.


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