
The Grey Havens

Today is the day. One year ago today, Grandpa died.

Yesterday I had a day off from school and I watched the Return of the King. The only time when I have cried during a movie at the end of the Return of the King, at the Grey Havens when the Ring-bearers take the last ship from Middle-Earth.

The interplay that goes on between Gandalf and the four hobbits as always struck me. They developed a truly powerful bond during the War of the Ring. Especially Frodo and Sam, who carried each to Mordor.
Yesterday, as I thought about Grandpa's death and watched Sam's face as Frodo boards the ship, I couldn't help but cry. Even before Grandpa's death, this scene was powerful, but now.... it has whole new meaning. I know how Sam felt at the Grey Havens, because I've been their. I've been to the Grey Havens and watched one that I love leave for the Undying Lands.

But it doesn't end there. After the death of his wife, Sam left the Shire and went the Grey Havens. Seeing as he too was a Ring-bearer, he sailed across the sea to Valinor, were he was reunited with Frodo. I cannot wait for my turn to sail to the Undying Lands.

"Many that live deserve death, and some that die deserve life." - Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring, chapter 2 

"End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is simply another path... one that we all must take. They grey curtain of this world rolls back and all turns to silver glass- and then you see it.... white shores and a green country beneath a swift sunrise."
"Well, that doesn't sound so bad."
"No, no it isn't."

Gandalf and Pippin, the Return of the King, the siege of the Minas Tirith. 

It's not so bad at all.

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