
Winter Retreat

It was awesome. I always hate it when Winter Retreat is over for two reasons a) I'm a highly extroverted person, so I very much enjoy hanging out with me friends and b) I'm dead tired because Austin, Drew, and Michael wouldn't shut up until 3:00 A.M.

On Friday we arrived at the camp about 7:00 and got settled into our cabins. Then we a had dinner and had worship time. During small-group discussion time, Avery brought up euphemisms and so the rest of the weekend we were all making jokes about euphemisms. Drew left the cabin door open, so I told him the "Shut the euphemism door!"

On Saturday, we visited the Silver Lake dunes which were a five minute drive from out camp. We hiked out to Lake Michigan and me and Noah drank the water from Lake Michigan. It tasted really really really good.

The first night that we were there, my small-group decided to prank my brother's group. We got a bunch of snow balls and opened the door to there cabin, chucking the snow-balls inside. We had an awesome snow-ball fight INSIDE their cabin. Our cabin got pranked several times but we discovered the prank before it could have any effect on us. NICE TRY BIFF!

All the small-groups had a lip-syncing contest. The only song requirement was that it had to have the word
"love" in it. We did the "His Cheeseburger" song from Veggie Tales. Squirrel's group's song reminded me of the part in Captain America: The First Avenger when the general dude throws the dummy grenade and Steve Rogers jumps on it.

Over the course of the week, I realized several things that euphemism me off. 1) When people who really aren't LOTR nerds act like they are, and think they are, just because they've seen the movies. When I come across these types of people, I just ask them what Beren, Luthien, Finrod, and Huan did, and then leave. 2) when people don't even try and understand what I'm trying to communicate. There's this group of females, were every time I try and explain something even mildly complicated, they shut off and don't even try and understand what I'm trying the say. It's not that can't understand it's just that they don't even try to. "Oh, De Man's talking again, just smile and nod."

Other than these two thoroughly peeving things, I had an awesome time on Winter Retreat 2013.

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