

Tragedy has struck.
No more sprite comics for a while.
And no, I'm not grounded, NO i'm not giving them up and NO I AM CERTAINLY NOT REPLACING ANYTHING.

My flashy drive.
With all my sprites.
And all my comics.
AND a few other things.
has gone missing.
My dad said that he saw it yesterday morning in the computer where I had left it. And now it's gone- GONE, I tell you! (And in our house especially this is an extremely bad occurrence, since we have a dog that eats everything.) So i guess that sadly there's not gonna be any spritedness for a while, or at least until I find it...........


Well, at least I still have my pencil. And pen. And.... well, maybe not my inspiration like before...

 Credit to Katie T. for creation of the quack  joke :D
Erien is stuck between the Pathway of Good Story Lines and Valley of Artists Block. 
So, I have had this Pokemon comic (Story line) going for quite a while. I have  decided that soon, I am going to redo it on nice paper so that it's not hard to read still...
May post it on here.

안녕히 계세요!
(An-yong ha-say-oh)

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