

Sorry about not posting anything yesterday. It turned out busier than I expected! I'll try doing it today and tomorrow.

For now I will post some links.

If you were once a Bionicle fan, or even just a lego fan, this video is awesome!

OMG, this comedian is AMAZING. In this video, he talks about camping,
mornings, and one of my favorite foods BACON!!!

For those of you Shadow the Hedgehog fans.

HAHAHA, don't ask me how I found this XD

This place looks familiar...

The old blog of our favorite Squirrel! She still posts on it, so make sure to keep up on there too!

Also, one more thing! What if you would like to comment on our stuff? There is a comment button on the end of every post...if you're a follower. Don't be shy to become one!

1 comment:

  1. aaahhh yes. Bionicle good days. But now they've got HeroFactory which is pretty awesome.


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