
Fear of bald people- Peladophobia.

Hello again, you guys.
Like I said in a previous post I was working on a Legends comic. Hah, here's the first page of it. I'm spending ALOT of time on it, and I will probably go through and color it all when I'm done with it.
                                    NEVER let Raddit drive a golf cart.

...And now on top of that I have a project going making a commercial-thing for Achilles- well, based on something he made, really. Which should be fun.

This is funny, especially if you know the story line of FF7. http://rogerregorroger.deviantart.com/art/Final-Fantasy-7-in-3-minutes-191203387

1 comment:

  1. hey shyruni this is truewolf. this reminds me slightly of some sonic charecters.

    p.s. any way to ad mes an author? id like to post pices of my story i need help editing.


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