

Long time no see viewers!  In case you were wondering, I have been VERY busy recently.  With school going and working for my dad every day, I don't usually remember to post.  However, it's been bugging my mind recently, and I'm finally posting.

Here is my reentry finally.  Enjoy!

And here is my sister's entry (don't ask me how we're related).  We'll see who wins!
 And here's two comics for you!  The first one apparently got cut at the edges, but everything that needs to be visible is visible.
 Okay, maybe I need to work a little harder on that...

Anyway, here's to all that are participating in the contest!  Cheers.
Also, here's a little comedy.  These videos are called "Clip of the Week" (no, I did not do these).  They show a real video clip, and something comedic occurs afterwards.


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