
Fear of Chickens- Alektorophobia

Oh-KAY. So the results of last week's poll are in!
  2 (33%)
Dogs (or... animals in general)
  2 (33%)
  1 (16%)
  0 (0%)
  1 (16%)

All of you guys who picked noodles... seriously?? This is WHAT IT'S ABOUT. I'm OK with that though, because I'm the one who put that on there. It really just means that you don't care what the story is... just thought I should point that out.  If you voted noodles and want to change that do so in the comments.

This week's poll is.... CHARACTERS!!!!!! Who should it star? Should they be 100% mine in creation? Should they be my personality but someone else's creation? Figure it out.

If anyone happens to own a tablet (which, amazingly, I sort of doubt) please let me know what it's like and if it is worth it... I'm thinking about one.

FWEE!!! Thanks to Dad
This is Akaimizu... a dragon... well, long story. she's not really a dragon anymore, I just had an awesome name and needed to give it to something... blah blah blah... yeah.
Anyhoo. Vote on my poll, still doing requests, beware the cabbages.


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