

It's finally time for....

Hey folks!  Prepare your Woodcutting Axe and get on your horse, because this time Linkstar Reviews is going Rural!  Our second game subject is known as Runefactory.

#2 Rune Factory

Quite a few of you have probably played the classic Harvest Moon.  If you have not, then I may have to do a review on that next, because it's awesome.  Harvest Moon is in a sense, a game where you live the life of a farmboy, and spend your days taking care of animals, building your horse, growing crops, conversating with the town locals, enjoying festivals, and even marrying a girl of your choice!  This game has been enjoyed  by many ages, as well as both boys and girls.  

Why am I bringing up Harvest Moon?   Because that's essentially what Rune Factory is...with a little twist.  Instead of just living the life of a farmer, you also have to go through dungeons and kill monsters!  Instead of befriending farm animals, you can befriend the monsters in caves instead!  

Oh, and one more thing before we begin the grading.  You may look on the web, and see that Rune Factory is actually a series, not a game.  I am talking about the first game in the Rune Factory series.  The reason I am not grading one of the others is because I have not played them yet (though I hope to soon).

Gameplay  / :  

The gameplay is one of the simple long games.  In short, this game isn't exactly hard, but there's alot to do.  Forging weapons, befriending certain monsters, and getting the right girl can definately take time.  In total, this game should take about 20 hours of playing to beat it.

Unfortunately, this is one of those neverending games with nothing to do. The game never ends, but by the end of the game there really isn't much to do.  It's certainly good for playing though once, but once you beat it, you might never pick up again.

Storyline: +

When I come to this subject, one word crosses my mind.  Cute.   Cute describes the storyline quite well.  It never really gets intense, and stays quite calm throughout the entire game.  I am not saying that it's not enjoyable.  Rather, the opposite.  It is very easy to fall in love with the characters, and their personalities definately show.  It's not depressing at any moment, and certainly will keep your spirits high.

Music: +

Though the music isn't the greatest, it fits the game AMAZINGLY.  The music is different in each cave, and the music almost completely fits the layout of the cave.  

Graphics: +

The graphics certainly aren't amazing, but that's to expect with a DS game.  There is of course, the hilarious fact that your legs seem to be twigs and you have duck feet, but besides that, it's not terrible.  But why give it a plus?  Because the artwork in the game makes the iffy graphics nothing.  You can tell that the artwork was done with colored pencil because it's EXTREMELY detailed.  The artwork on the box certainly does not lie.

Overall: +

Though the gameplay isn't great, and some of the pluses barely slided by, but this game is not a bad choice.  Simply, if you loved Harvest Moon, you will ADORE this.  If you didn't, it still should be a good game for you.

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