
Fear of Old people- Gerontophobia.

There's a somewhat recent chapter of Pika up...http://orangepikachuandi.blogspot.com/2011/09/chapter-11-team-helios.html
hopefully a new one soon. I'll post on that.
Anyways. I have several things going on S+D right now! One is DEBATE! and that one's still... possibly cancelled.But that's just because people aren't participating. So I'm saying that this is a fun and interesting way to get your request done FOR SURE in ErienFire Draws Something. (Explained Later)
DEBATE!  is a thing I am considering.The first topic I cover is Pokemon game glitching, because it's a topic I'd been reading about and just HAD to say something about. However, with alot of the wording I used some people PROBABLY couldn't understand it.
Usually, I will try to make a video about a week or so after the original DEBATE! was posted. It involves me talking about why or why not peoples' ideas make sense! Or something along those lines.When I get more than three comments, let's say. Yeah, only if there's a REAL debate going on down there in the comments. :D

I also have Reasonable, OCD or Somewhat Misguided?
This is a weekly thing, and it gives you a chance to win a request for me to draw something AND tape it. And post it. On ErienFire Draws Something. (Still, explained below.) You must choose whether the story is Reasonable, Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder or Somewhat Misguided. Which category does it fall under? And why? I won't make a video ON these but the person who guesses correctly wins a ErienFire Draws Something request. :D

Finally, ErienFire Draws Something!!!
This is probably the most permanent. Every once in a while I post a video of me drawing something. it's that simple. Blahb. ILt's a recording, in real life. The Sock video I made and posted on YouTube. Blah! I haven't posted the first one ever yet because the audio is a little........ awkward. Let's just say that I need to work on not saying retarded things. It will probably just have music to it XD

Awrighty, here we go...the NEW AUTHORS ZONE BACKGROUND.....
 in progress still.
Fall 2011 Authors Zone Background

Achilles, do you want to just do yourself? You're frustrating me. The drawing stuff, I mean.

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