
Chickens ate my socks

Darn those socks.

May they give the chickens have indigestion until they hack up the bloody socks in a pool of blood! May they live forever with the socks stuck in their bloody gizzards until they die of a rabid lumberjack! May the Dark Lord Morgoth create a Orc chicken until the chicken race is to ashamed to show there faces! May Gollum change his song from, "to catch a fish so juicy sweet!" to "To catch a chicken so crunchy good!". I SUPPORT CHICK FA LE! EAT MORE CHICKEN! May chickens come to rue the day they decided to eat Achilles Peackeeper's bloody socks!

Death to Chickens! Death to Chickens! Death to Chickens!

Except Debbie. She is the only chicken that did not eat my bloody socks.

May the feathers upon her wings never be clipped! May live long enough to learn to fly! May she take revenge one the lumberjack that tried to kill, but didn't know that she had titanium steel allow feathers! May she enjoy her meager chicken-size rations off chicken feed!

All Hail Debbie! All Hail Debbie! All Hail Debbie!

Well, now you know what I do when I'm bored.

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