
Food for my precious

Fooood Foooooddd! Are Only wish is to catch a fish so juicy SWEEEEEEEEEEEEET!

So yeah You probably guessed that I'm hungry. Ya know, I've really started to relate with Gollum. I don't know why, but it just seems like we would be could buddies. He had a sad and depressing life. You can guess by the kinds of songs he writes.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkXbzffVl44 If you couldn't guess, he's the diseased child. Uuuummmm. There's a lot of stuff non-Gollum in there. Ents and Uruks and such. And the lady. Yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaah. She's like an English lady. I memorized Gollum's song.

I really love this song. Its from one of my all-time favorite artists Switchfoot. Its called Selling the News, and it tells the gospel better then any other song I know.


Another great song is Dark Horses. I'm gonna learn how to play that on guitar. Boss stuff.

Preparing for the Reverb All-Nighter. My battle oriented mind is buzzing. Ya see, at the place we're going they have reball. Its like paintball, except that you can reuse the balls. But, my brain is longing to make a strategy. But I've never done reball here. So yeah.

I'm trying to keep my brain from it by running around outside, drawing, and playing Creep Crushers on the computer. I also might be joining LOTRO. Lord of the Rings Online. Its a massive online playing ground were you can kill Orc, Defend cities, and protect the ring on its journey to Mordor. Also if you ever to be saying Mordor, you HAVE to roll the Rs. Like this:


By the way, that is the inscription on Anduril, the sword of Ellesar, King of Gondor. But, who is Ellesar? One of you Zoners is going to figure it out.

So yeah......... Cliff hanger.



it might be spelled Elesar or Elessar. 


1 comment:

  1. I think that this year, I'm gonna bring a camera. With an empty memory card. So we all can doof around. >:)


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