
Role Play Story

This is a story based off of a Role Play.

A heavy fog rose over the bleak western march. In the distance a storm lay over the deltas of the Myanam river. The mighty sound of thunder pounded the airwaves with its deep bass gong. A light yet constant rain beat the ground softly. The hills to the south were blown by a light breeze. The greatest city of men, Sanim Htirit stood tranquil as it went through its daily life. On the east bank of the Myanam lay the Graylands. A heavy land cover in cloud were no sun could reach. Beneath the heavy grey dust lay a vast wasteland with a evil history. The northern forest of Wardulker was dark with doom. Things were starting that would lead to a great shifting of power and people in the land of Theresia.

On the Anormeda cliffs on the coast of the Duinan sea was a Furry. She romped the cliffs thinking to herself.
This isn't so bad! Why do people think these cliffs are so bad? A rock fell out from beneath her. She barely made it to a ledge.
Whoa, that was unexpected. The rock she was on started to give way. So did the next, and the next.
“I guess I can't back that way,” she said to herself, “I guess these cliffs are pretty dangerous.”
At the top of the cliff sat a man. Not a important or good looking man. Just a man. A man with a past. A past that would affect the way the world worked. A man named Demigod.
Demigod saw the Furry struggling to get off the cliffs. He unwound a rope from his waist and lowered it to the Furry.
“Grab on!” he said.
“Who are you?” asked the Furry.
“Someone who is trying to help you. Grab the rope.” he said. The Furry clamped its canine teeth onto the rope. Demigod pulled the furry up the cliff.
“Thanks. I'm Rine.” said the Furry.
“Demigod.” said the Man. He coiled the rope and headed toward the forest edge.
“Your just going to leave?” said Rine. Demigod didn't answer. Rine trotted over to him.
“What are you?” asked Demigod.
“You rescued me without knowing what I was?” said Rine sceptically.
“I recognized you from somewhere.” He said.
“Where?” She asked sceptical that this was true.
“A dream. What are you?” He said.
“I'm a Furry.” she tilted back her dog like ears and swept her tail.
“Very nice. What where you doing on those cliffs?” said Demigod. He started to walked towards the woods again.
“I was trying get down to the cliffs. I'm bored of all the caves in the forest.” Rine said with a shrug.
“Bad idea. Don't you know that these cliffs are infamous for sea dragons and land sharks?” Said Demigod informatively.
“Aren't those both the same thing?” asked Rine. She noticed that Demigod was scanning the horizon.
“What are you looking at?”
“Do you see that speck on the horizon?” he asked squatted down to her size and pointing out to sea.
“Yeah. What is it?” asked Rine.
“I don't yet know, but I feel it has some evil purpose,” Demigod said, “I had a dream of a great tower rising from the sea. A great warlock stood at the peak of the tower. His lips did not move yet a great deep voice filled my dream.”
“What did it say?” Rine enquired.
“It said: The Storm is coming. There will be no dawn for the free people of Theresia.”
“Creepy.” She said with a shudder.
“Indeed. My vision then changed. I saw a village in smoke with many of your kind dead or dying. I saw a great city, though I do not which, in ruins. It was razed to the ground. Then I saw a great beast of purple and black pouring fire and scorching the Myanam delta.”
A scorching wind blew over Rine and Demigod. Rine stood on her hind paws and sniffed the air. She smelled burning flesh and smoke. A deep black cloud of ash and smoke rose into the air.
“Could that be...?” said Demigod raising an eyebrow.
“My village!” exclaimed Rine. She started towards the woods. Demigod stood immobile for a minute then went after her.

Far out in the Duinan sea a tower did indeed rise. A great tower made of black volcanic glass. Volcanic glass, known as obsidian, has a magical quality that resists the intense white liquid fire that pours from the lungs of dragons.
A person stood on the top of the tower. He was not extremely old or extremely young. He was in the middle. You may have read that elves are beings of good. You may have read that they only stand for what is pure and true and righteous and beautiful. You have been well informed about certain races of elves.
You, however may not of been informed of the other elves. The evil elves. The elves that despise all good creatures and beings. They long to tear down the empires of free races. They look like other elves in almost every way. They wear bright colours and have long flowing fair hair.
But there eyes. There eyes are bright purple with a ring of deep green. Those eyes hold a void of intense evil. In those eyes you can see death and disease and fire and shadow.
Those eyes belonged to the elf at the top of the tower.
Those eyes gazed across the sea towards a man.
Not a important or good looking man. Just a man. A man with a past. A past that would affect the way the world worked. A man named Demigod.
Those eyes ignited a fire. They ignited a fire that would sweep across Theresia and nothing would be left unscathed.
Those eyes started the metamorphosis. 


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