
The Story of my Life: Part 2

A couple of months after my father was killed, the war ended and my siblings came home. My mother also had a another baby. His name was Hder.  Elves often mingled with mortals, so I grew up in a subdivision.

I was homeschooled, since public schools didn't teach archery, sword-fighting, or magic. I would spend long periods of time in the local park. I invented these things I called "Callers" they could summon my weapons for me, if I needed them.

I had twenty-eight siblings. All of which were older than me except for the before mentioned. Because of this, when I was twenty, my mother renamed me, "Achilles" I was the heel of the family.

My oldest sister's name was Meon. She was the one that took care of us younger children while my mother was at work. She also had a part time job working the night shift at the mental hospital.

My second oldest sister was Myanar. classic elvish name that means "Flower of Life." Myanar was what my mother called a "Worldy." She wore copious amounts of make up, dress fully in black, and her pointed elven ears where adorned with about fifteen studs and ear-buds.

The next in line was Manwean. He was my oldest brother after my other two had been killed. He was named after the creator of the world in elvish myth. 

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