
A Story from Middle-Earth: Helm's Deep

Eothan rode through the gates of Helm's deep. He dismounted and brought his horse, Breoglass to the stables. He went to the Hornburg, where Rohirrim where gathering. He jostled his way to where the doorward, Hama stood.
“I want to pledge my sword.” said Eothan.
“You are a boy of but thirteen.” said Hama.
“Yet I can lift a sword and fight in stirrup.” Said Eothan. He pulled the only weapon he had from its sheath. A knife that he had been given by his grandfather.
“A dagger is not a sword.” said Hama.
“Yet it can slay a thousand orcs.” He said.
“So be it. You can go to the armory and get a real sword. Guard the Mark with your life, young one.” said Hama. He gestured to the door to the armory. Eothan walked through the door. Steel was everywhere. Swords, shields, spears, axes, helmets, breastplate, daggers lined the walls. Eothan saw several other boys his age being outfitted with armor and weapons.
He waked over to a knight of the Mark and said:
“I need some armor, so that I may defend the Mark.” he said.
“You have a large mouth for one so small. I will do as you bid.” the knight said. He handed Eothan a sword.
“See how this sword feels.” he said. Eothan swung the sword.
“It feels good. I doubt the king's sword is would be better.” he said.
“I fear that may not be true, yet this will work.” the knight responded. He gave Eothan a leather coat, and broad belt, and a round shield.
“Thank you sir.” said Eothan.
“Defend the Mark well, my son.” said the knight.
Eothan walked down to the Causeway, were some of the women of the Mark were handing out stew and bread. He got in line and waited for a while. When he got his soup he went back up to the Hornburg and ate it ravenously. He hadn't had anything to eat for five days. He had road as fast as he could to Helm's deep as he could.
His village had been attacked by orcs. Him and his horse, Breoglass where the only survivors. He was determined to avenge the death of of with family and friends. He had barely escaped. In fact he had used the knife that was once his grandfather's to kill an orc that had tried to attack him on the way out of the village. He had thrust the knife into the orc in one deft move, piercing the heart.
He had then road as fast he could, to Edoras, the capital city of Rohan. He had found it deserted, and ridden for Helm's deep.
“Are you scared?” asked a voice. Eothan looked up and saw a man with black hair and kind face. Eothan answered without thinking.
“Yes.” he said.
“May I see your sword?” said the man. Eothan unsheathed it and offered the hilt to the man. The man looked at it and swung it through the air.
“This is a good sword. Do not fear.” he said. After this, he left and walked to the lower part of the Hornburg and disappeared.
Rain pounded on Eothan's shoulders and head. He was chilled to the bone. He stood on the Hornburg, waiting. The orcs were near. He could see there torches in the distance. Like fireflies. He shivered and grasped the bow he had been given. His quiver held 13 arrows.
I will strike and orc with each one, He thought. How ironic that there was one arrow for each of his siblings. The fireflies stopped. A great orc scaled a large boulder and roared. An arrow cut through the air and embedded it self in a orc's neck. The orcs started to bang there spears against the ground and there shields.
“Fire!” shouted Lord Eomer. A mass volley took down hundreds of orcs. The orcs charged forth, and began to raise ladders. Several orc crossbowman shout heavy bolts into the Huorns and Rohirrim.
Adrenaline and fear coursed through Eothan. He pulled an arrow from his quiver and shouted:
“Mala!” Mala was his youngest sister who had been killed. He readied another arrow and drew it back.
“Beon!” he shouted for his youngest brother. He went on yelling the name of his lost sibling for each arrow he shot. Each met its mark. He dropped his bow and drew his sword.
“Remeo and Kandila!” he shouted those were the names of his parents. He ran down the stairs and was met by a huge orc berserker. He halted in shock. He regained his composure and rammed his sword into the orcs stomach with a grunt. The orc was surprised by such vicious attack from so small foe. Eothan pulled pulled out his sword and did it again. The orc pulled out of shock and back-slapped Eothan. His head jerked back and he fell to the ground. The air was forced out of his lugs. He tried to get up, but he had no air in his lungs. The orc roared and a dropped it's sword down on Eothan and he felt the presence of Mala, Beon, Remeo, and Kandila. 


  1. Ahh, so you ARE continuing this. Excellent. :D

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