
The Story of My Life: Part 1

I was born in the year T.A. 176 of the twelfth age. My first name was Roem, after the minor god.  That was a controversial time, as the Axis powers where attempting to conquer all the free world. Us elves knew that in order to remain free, we would have to rally the forces of free people.

My father was a ambassador for the Fyrian elves. He and other ambassadors attempted to persuade the High Elves to join the Allied Races- a organization that fought against the supernatural evil that inhabit this world.  Unfortunately, the High Elves and Dwarf lords where not on good terms, so the Allies missed out on a huge magical bonus.

We managed to persuade the Order of Minor Gods to join. In other words, we had the help of the four minor gods, Olorin, Morihnetar, Roemstamo, and Aiwendil. They where a major asset.

The battle started when I was the equivalent of 3. My father, brothers, cousins, and uncles all went to war, fighting the demons that infest the world. They advanced much faster than the mortals. By the 34th month, they had gained much land from the enemy.

But not everything was good. My oldest, second oldest, and sixth oldest where killed in battle. Seven of my cousins and five uncles where killed.  Heavy losses dominated our side of the war. Demons breed extremely quick, while elves can only have a single child every 10 years.

When I was 10* I remember the wizard Aiwendil coming to our dwelling and telling my mother something.  My father had challenged a Kaelag-Hai- A form of dragon. He had killed the beast, and immediately been stabbed in the back by my older brother, Fearn. Fearn had been corrupted by the demons of Grolog. Grologs had the ability to put a spell on there weapons that made the whoever they stabbed an ally. The could also release the victim at anytime. As soon as Fearn had killed father, they had released him and shot him. So ended the first ten years of my life.

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