


Yeah! world's awesomest series ever! Ho ho my Uruk Hai count is 43, Whats yours? If your head was a little higher of the ground, I would cut it off! Hooray for the son of Gloin! Yeah, well my axe is impeded in its head!

Whhhoooo. Well the answer is in the text above. The answer to my contest that is. If you can manage to figure it out, leave a comment, and you could be the Winner!!! Ohh looks like we've got a commercial break.

Are you feeling like a diseased child?

Do you have a longing to catch a fish so juicy sweet?

Do you "Gollum" around the house?

Well then you have rare disease known as Precious syndrome.

First contracted by a hobbit, Precious syndrome give you the the desire to possess an item of extreme evil.Symptoms include hair loss, "Gollum" coughing fits, double personality and and the desire to wear nothing but a loin cloth.

If you have any of these symptoms, call one of our highly trained doctors at 1-800-Gollum.

So yeah call the number. Leave a comment. Tell your friends and Family about this blog!

Bless your face

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