
More Role play story.

Katara helped Rine swallow some fruit and water.
“There ya go.” she said as Rine as she got down a piece of melon.
“Thanks.” Grunted Rine.
“How does it feel?” asked Katara.
“Really warm. And painful.” said Rine. She was having a hard time breathing. Katara grimaced. She thought about telling Rine. She had never told anyone her secret. She was the only one who knew.
“Soooooooooooo....” said Katara. Rine sighed.
“Whats up?” asked Katara.
“Clouds. The Sky. Dragons.” said Rine. Dragons. The word that Katara avoided.
“I've always wanted to meet a dragon.” sighed Rine. Katara chewed on her lip and swore in her head.
“I'm probably not going to get a chance now.” Katara swore in her head agian. How could she deny this cute little dog-person the chance.
“Um..... well. Ya really want to meet one?” asked Katara.
“I guess. I've always wondered how they breath fire.” Rine said sitting up.
“We just do it. It doesn't take anything.” said Katara without thinking.
“Huh? We?” said Rine puzzled.
“What is that supposed to mean?” asked Rine. No turning back now. Go on tell her. Thought Katara.
“Uhm... Well Rine.... I'm a dragon.” Rine snorted and started laughing, but stopped because of how much it hurt.
“Yeah, and I'm the tooth fairy.” said Rine. Katara was relived. Rine didn't believe her? Who would?
“Where are your wings?” asked Rine. Dang it. Another question. Of course she had to answer.
“I kinda shape-shift.” said Katara. Rine didn't answer. Katara looked at Rine. She wasn't breathing.

Demigod suddenly felt Death was back. Racing him again. It was for Rine. He jumped down a 30 foot cliff and entered the village.
“I need help!” he shouted.
“My companion has swallowed fire!” people just laughed at him.
“This man has heat-stroke!” laughed one.
“Either that, or he is drunk beyond help!” laughed another. Demigod knocked the man to the ground.
“I don't drink.” he growled and ran off to another part of the village. He got pulled into an alley bye a strong hand. He saw a dark elfin character. Slim with black hair and dark skin.
“Is what you say true?” the elf hissed.
“Unhand me!” growled Demigod. His free hand went for his sword. The elf released him.
“Answer me! Has your companion swallowed flame?” asked the elf?
“Can you help?” asked Demigod.
“Yes. Lead me to her.” said the elf.
“How do you know her gender?” hissed Demigod.
“Ask the gods. I just do, now bring me....” the Elf growled.
“Demigod.” said Demigod.
“Arryd.” They the out of the town and back into the wildness.

“Rine, honey, wake up!” said Katara. She shook the Furry.
“Come on sweetheart. Don't die!” she sat back and stared at Rine. Was she dead? Had Katara failed Demigod? Had she let Rine die? Sweat poured down Katara's brow.

Just then she saw Demigod. He vaulted a log and he was being followed by an elf. The elf rushed to Rine's side. Demigod followed. The elf closed his eyes and began to chant in a different language. Demigod could tell that it wasn't elvish, because he spoke elvish.
The chant grew in intensity. Runes swirled around Rine and she rose in the air. Suddenly the elf keeled over. Rine's body dropped and she drew in a shuddering breath.
Somehow, Demigod knew that Rine wasn't going to be all right. He didn't know how, but words started to pour out of his mouth. He went into a trance. He had no idea what he was saying, but he could feel the power in the words. Rine's limp body rose back into the air. Bright red runes swirled around her body with increasing intensity as the chant got more powerful.
Demigod heard another voice in the chant. It wasn't one he'd ever heard before. It had a power to it. Pure power and energy. Like lightning.
Rine rose higher, the runes grew brighter and turned different colours. The other voice got louder and louder until Demigod couldn't hear. He was unconscious.

When Demigod woke up, he saw Rine. She was standing above him, poking him.
“What are you doing.” He croaked.
“Playing with your face. I poked you 73 times before you woke up.” She said.
“Thats great.” Then it hit Demigod. Rine was alive! Demigod sat up and hugged her.
“Thank the Ulwe your still alive you little hairball!” said Demigod.
“Who's the creepy elf?” she asked.
“His name is Arryd. He helped save your life.” said Demigod.
“I think I had a dream about him.” said Rine in a small voice. Demigod got up and rummaged in a sack and pulled out a strip a beef jerky. He handed one to Rine and pulled out another. He placed the jerky between his teeth and teared off a junk. He motioned for Rine to tell him about her dream.
“Well, I don''t know if it was him, but it was a creepy elf. He had creepy eyes.” She said tentatively.
Demigod nodded. Rine suddenly stared into his eyes. They looked okay to her. Green eyes. Just like hers. They had a age in them, though Demigod couldn't be more then 20 summers old. Those eyes had real age. Like Demigod had seen more hardship then most.
Demigod raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry. My father used to say that you tell things about a person from there eyes.”
“What can you tell about me?” he said.
“Well, you if i could only see your eyes, I'd think you were an old man.” She shrugged. Demigod sat chewing his jerky. Rine remembered her piece and ripped off a chunk. Demigod seemed kinda disturbed.
He got up and walked over to Katara. She was boiling water for tea. She offered him a cup.
“No thanks.” he said. He sat down beneath a tree and pulled a knife from its sheaf. He inspected the blade and returned it.
“Where is the elf.” he asked Katara. She motioned in direction a nearby stream. Demigod walked in that direction.
Arryd was meditating beside the calm waters. Demigod sat beside him and calmed his mind. He closed his eyes and focused on the water. The sound of the rushing stream. The rustle of the leaves in the light breeze. He concentrated on the form next to him.
Arryd, he thought.
Welcome, came the reply. Demigod was startled. He did not intend to create telepathic connection with Arryd. He didn't even know he could.
Uhhhmmmm, thought Demigod.
You did not expect this did you? Asked Arryd in his mind.
Do you have any recollection of your family? Enquired Arryd.
A little.
Tell me.
I only remember my sister. She was five years younger than me, and of a different mother.
You family was disgraced?
Yes. My father did not have good morals.
Where did you get yours?
I remember my sister and I being sent to a monastery. We learned from monks and nuns.
Do you remember where it was?
Why do you care about my past?
Because you are different. I have never met a man like you. Your race is corrupt.
Gee, thanks.
You should find this insulting. Yet you are different. You do not chase women or money or power. What drives you Demigod?
I don't know.
Yes you do. Demigod thought a about Arryd's question. Finally his mind supplied an answer.
Against what?
Why am I telling you this? Your just some creepy elf I found who could help someone I barely know. With that the connection broke and Demigod left.

For Gondor, 

Will Christian De Man.  

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