
Role play story continued.

 Demigod trailed the Furry as she hurried through the dense forest. Demigod glanced behind him and ran smack into a person. Demigod and the person fell to the ground entangled in limbs. Demigod untangled himself and drew his sword. The person likewise drew a dagger.
“Who are you?” she asked, for she was obviously female.
“I'd ask the same of you.” said Demigod. He lowered his sword a fraction. He couldn't help but notice that this female was particularly beautiful.
“Katara.” she said flicking her hair behind her shoulder. Demigod replaced his sword in its scabbard.
“Demigod.” he said.
“Nice to meat you.” she said with a little smile.
“Likewise, but I'm in hurry and I seem to have misplaced my companion.” He said trying to look past Katara's shoulder.
“Who's your companion?” asked Katara. She was starting to like this guy. Swords and companions. Sounded like an adventure, which was what she was looking for.
“A furry, and once again, I'm in hurry so, could you please step aside?” he said. Katara moved to the left and Demigod sprinted off in pursuit of Rine.
“Hey! Wait up, I wanna come!” Katara turned in pursuit. Demigod kept going, ignoring Katara's protests.
Katara stumbled through the woods, she wasn't near close as nimble as Demigod or Rine. She pressed on anyways though. She caught a glimpse of a shaft of light. She saw Demigod leap through the shaft of life and enter a clearing. Katara ran faster and also went through shaft of life. She failed to notice that the light was the red light that came from fire, as oppose to the golden light that came from the sun.
She watched as Demigod jumped into the raging inferno that he knew Rine had gone into. She stood just outside of the of the fire, wondering if Demigod was stupid or brave. She hung out there on the edge of the clearing and wondered what was happening in there. She was getting ready to assume that Demigod had burned to death, or something like that when he emerged with a Furry tucked under his arm.
He flopped down just inside the forest, beneath a tree and started coughing. His body shook with the spasms. Rine did similar. Katara stood helpless, staring at them. Demigod recovered and stood up, leaning on the tree.
“We should leave, that fire is gonna spread.” he said. His voice was hoarse from coughing.
“Okay.” said Katara in a small voice. Demigod noticed that Rine was still in pain.
“Whats up? You okay” he asked her. She coughed up some blood and said:
“I think I swallowed fire!” she coughed. More blood came out.
Demigod swore and picked her up.
“What is it?” asked Katara.
“She's burning inside. Fire lept into her system and is now raging inside her. If she where a man or elf, her body would sort it out..... but she's so small that I don't think she'll make it without help.”
“Can you do anything?” asked Rine. Blood dribbled from the side of her mouth.
“There are three things I could do. I could let the fire out, by cutting you open, I could leave you to possibly die, or I leave.”
“Why would you leaving help!?” exclaimed Rine.
“I can run fast and long. If I leave by myself and go for help, there is a better chance of finding someone to help you.”
“Well who would help me now?” asked Rine.
“Helloooo!” said Katara.
“Katara has been thrown in this mess with us, so why not use her. She will look after you until I return.”
“Okay.” said Rine in a small voice. She could feel the fire burning her. It didn't feel nice.
“Make sure she drinks a lot of water.” Demigod said to Katara, he pulled he aside and said in a low voice:
“I she is in extreme pain, knock her out. I'll try to be back bye the next moon.” he said. Katara looked at the sky and the nearly full moon. Three days at the most.
“Do you have any food?” he asked.
“A little meat and dried fruit.” She answered. Demigod handed her a leather satchel.
“That should hold you until I return. Do not let her die.” He turned back towards Rine.
“Do not fear Rine, I will be back.”
“May your paws carry swift and far.” She said with slight smile.
“Let your sword be sharp, and your arrow true!” With that, he left without a sound. Rine saw his silhouette in front of the moon, and then he was gone.

Demigod flew through the woods. He leaped through bracken and bushes, Vaulted logs, and dodged trees. He could feel Death in the wind, racing him for Rine's life, and he would not let it win. He had known her for but an hour, but he loved her already. She was in his dream, so she must be important.
He entered a clearing and exited it in seconds. He saw a deer prance away at his coming. His legs did not like him right now. He bit back the pain, and pressed on. Then he ran into a tree. He felt and heard his nose crack. Hot blood rushed onto his face. The heat reminded him of Rine. He shrugged off the pain and got of his duff. He had to find a village. He remembered seeing one a few days ago, about a half day's walk from the cliffs. He tried to picture the way in his head. He knew if he got back to the cliffs, he could follow those to the village.
His inner compass told him the turn to his right, to get to the cliffs. He continued to run through the night. And through the day. He could not find the village.

Rine had finally fallen asleep. But, the fire inside did not make it peaceful. She had fits of terrible dreams. She watched as her best friend, Gren, had burned to death. She dreamed of an elf also. He seemed nice.
“You must be in pain.” he had said. Rine had nodded. He had placed a hand on her shoulder and patted it gently. Rine liked the elf. But something troubled her. Her father had always told her, you can tell a lot about a person from there eyes. She glanced at his eyes. She could only manage a glance. She hated those eyes. They where not kind. She suddenly did not like this elf anymore. Then the face changed. It was no longer the elf. It was Demigod. He was looking at her. He was telling her that she wouldn't die. He was telling her a story. About himself. It was about how he had killed things. She glanced at his eyes. He had the same eyes. Then she knew what the story was about. He had killed her family and friends. It was his fault. Hate welled up in her. She hated Demigod. She hated Men. She hated everything. Especially the burning inside her. She hated it all.
And then she woke up.
Katara was holding a water skin and asking her if she wanted anything to eat. Rine nodded. She was ravenous.

Demigod kept running. He could feel his energy leaving him, but he had to keep going for Rine. Her life depended on him. Then it became to much.
Poor Demigod. He was running himself to death, and he knew it. He was drenched in sweat, despite the cool air. He could feel Death running a new race. It was for Demigod. Demigod tripped and fell. His broken nose cracked on a rock, and a new stream of blood came rushing out. He got up. He had too. He would not let Death win anyone. He could not. He felt things all around him, trying to give Death the advantage. Rocks, trees, roots. They where against him. They did not want him to live.
Demigod pressed on through the night. Every other step, he would trip and fall. But he would get back up. He had to.
He tripped again, but this time he had no strength he could not get up on his own. He could feel death getting a hold on him. He was fading. His vision blurred and his mind was free. Then he crossed over. His body wasn't on earth anymore. He saw death. Then he felt a divine intervention.
Demigod did not believe in gods, spirits, or ghosts. He had no time for them. But now, he couldn't ignore them. A spirit or a god or whatever was helping him. Beating back death, and renewing his strength. He came back to Earth. He is nose wasn't broken and he was fully energized. He set out at a brisk pace.
After another day of flat out running, Demigod found a village.

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