
Unending Battle: Part 5

Rine ran through the irrigation ditch on the side of the road. Why there was an irrigation ditch here, she had no idea. She leaped through the sparse scrub and weeds, running. She thought she heard footsteps behind her, so she sped up.
She tripped on root and picked herself back up again. She kept running until she finally saw the waggon.
“Demigod is being attacked!” she shouted, out of breath. Kouken picked up his pace, and dragged the waggon at an increased pace.
Arryd and Kayla stopped and strung there bows. Katara dropped back without anyone seeing. She had just slipped of the back of the waggon were she had been sitting.
She mentally battled with herself, and came to a decision. She darted into the scrub on the side of the road and transformed. She rose into the sky. She quickly overtook Kouken, who couldn't run near as fast as she could fly. Sh didn't notice that her size and form blocked out the moon. Kouken halted and shouted a warning to Arryd and Kayla. They fired arrows at her. She swerved, but one found its mark in her breast.
Katara gasped in pain and went in for a landing. She landed in a clearing not far from the road. She turned herself back to a human. She gasped for breath and tried to pull the arrow from its wound. It broke off at the base of the arrow-head.
She tried to stand and walk back to the woods. She would have to blame the wound on a raider. She walked for about ten yards then fell to her knees. She was having troubled breathing anf blood was pouring from her breast wound.
I can't believe that Demigod could ignore his head-wound, she thought. She walked another ten yards and rested again. She went about this way until she reached the ditch on the side of the road. Then she flopped down and sucked in air.

Demigod had been flooded by thirty bandits thirsty for blood. He had started by chopping of the arms of the toothless old man, who had taken a swing at Demigod with his sword. After removing his arms, Demigod put him out of his misery and disemboweled him. He turned to face the other raiders.
“You may want to run as fast as you can away from here. We're having you arms and heads removed.” He said. He proceeded his warning by slicing through the spinal cord, spine, and Jugular of the first raider to reach him. The head went flying and the corpse went down.
“I hope your family loved you!” he said to the next as he jammed his knee into the man's crotch, crippling him and then taking away the man's only arm that was still whole.
“I hope you believe in the afterlife!” he disemboweled the next three thieves and sliced the next through the waste.
“Oh. Whoops, you get a refund. I didn't chop off you head or legs.” he said as the upper body of his latest victim fell past him.
He turned to find a large bearded man with a broadsword about to slice Demigod down the middle.
Three arrows sprouted in the man's ear and he dropped like stone. Demigod turned to face the next attacker, knowing that Arryd or Kayla had just saved his life.
Arryd, Kayla, and Kouken joined Demigod and soon they had dispatched all the bandits.
“Where are Katara and Rine?” asked Demigod.
“Rine is in the waggon.” replied Arryd.
“And Katara.” enquired Demigod.
“A dragon was spotted overhead. I shot it down, but we think it might have gotten to Katara.” explained Kayla.
Demigod stared at her.
“I'm over here.” came faint voice. Demigod searched for were the voice came from and his eyes locked on the ditch. He ran over and knelt by it. He picked up Katara and brought over to the group.
“I got shot by a raider.” She wheezed.
“Breast wound.” analyzed Demigod. He looked at Kayla.
“You'll have to take this one.” Kayla nodded grimly. She motioned for Demigod to bring her to the back of the waggon. Demigod picked back up Katara and sent her gently down.
Kayla climbed in after her and closed the curtains. Demigod returned to Arryd and Kouken.
“We will camp here tonight.” decided Arryd. He and Kouken entered the woods to find some firewood.
Demigod stood and stared at the night sky. Stars burned eternally in his eyes. He found the great star, Tyer. It burned with an immense heat, throbbing in Demigod's head.
He found a certain constellation. It was the Huoren constellation. It created a sword. The sword of the epic lord Houren, who smote the great beast Rargun with his sword, Grimeru.
Kayla and Rine emerged from the waggon. Kayla pulled a water skin from a nail on the side of the waggon. She poured the water over her hands, washing away the blood. She then reached into her pocket and pulled out an arrow head.
“This is one of my arrowheads.” she said. She indicated to a rune on the blade. It was the ancient dwarf symbol for “K” or swift end.
“Which means?” asked Demigod.
“Well, there are several possibilities. A raider could have pulled it from the body of a fallen companion and fired it. Or she could have gotten in the cross fire. Or, she could be the dragon I shot down.” She said grimly. Demigod mulled this over.
“Other than that, she should live. It didn’t penetrate deep, which would make sense if she were the dragon I shot. Hard plates and the gravity of shooting almost vertical would decrease the power of the shot.”
Demigod kicked a rock.
“She’s covered?” he asked.
“Can it talk to her?” Kayla nodded. Demigod entered the waggon. Katara was sitting up.
“Are you a Defter?” he asked. Katara raised an eyebrow.
“A child of a mythical creature. Half human, half beast.” He asked. Katara nodded. Demigod ran his hand through his short hair.
“Why did you not speak of this before?” he asked.
“I thought you would reject me.” she said.
“Has this happened to you before?” he asked. Then a change came over his face. It turned very pale. Hiss hair looked like tar in comparison to his face.
“Hyanarian.” he muttered. Katara recognized it has the old elven word for “Ghost.”
“Hyanarian? What do you mean by that?” she asked. Demigod left. He walked past Kayla, Rine, Arryd, and Kouken. He walked into the forest and unleashed Fandril. The cold moon shone on the midnight black blade of Fandril.
Demigod stared into the blade. His reflection shone in it. But, another reflection another relfection could be seen. A girl. She was about the same age as Demigod. She had fair elven features and fiery auburn hair. She was beautiful. She laughed at something and the reflection disappeared. Demigod was alone with Fandril.
Demigod remembered the day that the accident had happened.

Demigod and Jae walked in the mountains together. Today Demigod had plan. He was going to ask her to marry him. He walked beside her. They were having a conversation about birds. Demigod wore Fandril, and her a fine elven knife. It was late autumn so thewore heavy cloaks.
“And the other day I saw this huge eagle fly over the top of the mountain.” Jae said enthusiastically. Demigod helped her over ravine. Night was falling over the mountains. A glorious sunset made then Mountains appear as if they were on fire. They where on there way back to lodge were Jae lived with her parents. Them and Demigod were the only ones that knew her secret. That she was a Defter.
“Jae, I need to ask you a question.” Demigod said as he pulled her up.
“Whats that, Demigod?” she asked. Suddenly a high pitched howl filled the air. Wolves ran from the woods around them. Demigod backed away from Jae and then drew Fandril. Jae drew her elven knife and they stood back to back.
A wolf pack circled them, searching for a point of weakness. Demigod raised Fandril. A nearby wolf lunged at his exposed midsection. Demigod chopped down, dragging his sword down the wolf’s back, cleanly slicing the spinal cord.
“Jae, will you...” He said. Jae’s scream split the air as she tripped and fell down the ravine they had just climbed. Demigod lunged to grab her and his arm that was holding Fandril shot forward. Fandril pierced Jae’s abdomen.. Demigod climbed down to her and lifted her.
“Jae... will you marry me?” Demigod asked as he watched her lifeblood flow away. She nodded.

Demigod turned and saw Rine. She was perched on a log with the full moon in the background. The pure silver light illuminated her brown hair.
“What?” Demigod asked. He returned Fandril to her sheathe.
“Are you okay.” She asked. She hopped of the log and approached him.  Demigod asked himself the question. Was he alright?
“Rine, that is difficult question to answer. I am remembering a painful memory that I have pushed aside for long time.”
“Was it about the girl?” she asked.
“Yes, Rine.” said Demigod. He walked toward her. They started back to the rest of the group.
“What was her name?” she asked.
“Jae.” Said Demigod. He had not uttered that name for a long time. Rine nodded. They came back out and Demigod noticed that Katara was beside the fire.
Demigod sat down next to Arryd and Rine next to him.
“Do they know?” Demigod mouthed at Katara. She shook her head. Demigod raised an eyebrow. Suddenly were Katara had been was a dragon.
The beast had mottled green and blue scales. A golden crest rose in between the cuvring white horns that crowned the monstrous dragon head. The Katara was back.
“My mother was a dragon.” She said.
“Obviously.” said Arryd.
“So you are the dragon I shot.” said Kayla in awe. Katara nodded. Kouken remained silent and Rine said:
“Cool! Can I ride on your back?”
“Sure.” Said Katara.
“But not right now.” Said Demigod. “Its time to hit the hay.”

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