

Thank you.

Now we return to our normal broadcasting.


When I woke up... AGAIN... I was laying in front of a conveniently placed stream. I flopped over in fish-like fashion and drank like a pig. Not that I had ever seen one. I heard a high, obnoxious voice squealing that ‘she was awake’ before I remembered the events of the last two days. I was still exhausted, but not dying anymore. At least, I think I wasn’t dying.
Something jumped up onto my back- it was tiny, and at first I thought it was Mug, and I rolled over on my back and kicked it up in the air happily.
“Mug! THERE you are! I thought something-” I stopped talking when I saw the fluffy little puffball flying through the air, screaming. I ran to catch her in my mouth as fast as I could before she landed and broke something. She slammed into the ground just before I could catch Treble and almost immediately jumped up and started yapping at me.
“You’re insane, I say! You could have killed me! I’m glad you’re ashamed!”
I was about to ask her how she knew that when I remembered that she was a Reader.

“Anyways, the others want to see you. And you better not try to throw any of them, either. They aren’t gonna like that. Well, not that you could... Ebony would kill you first and she’s too big anyways... and then Pippin is just insane, and he would do the same thing to you. So come on, and please try to restrain yourself.”
I frowned. I didn’t like life with a Reader already.

The pom- about half my size- trotted happily ahead of me and announced that I was overly excited to the group of house dogs. One was a Show-poodle, the other was the Pippin-corgi, and the last one was a small white snowball dog. I had to admit- the snowball was actually kind of cute. I could see him being used as some kind of human manipulator.
The giant show poodle walked over and licked my nose. I growled at her and told her to watch it.
“Look, if you guys aren’t doing anything, I’d like to get back to my pack as soon as possible. See, my pack is probably looking for me and-” I explained, but was interrupted.

“We can’t take you back to your pack. You’d be too easy to find. And here, you’ve got us. We understand you better since we’re all dogs,” the poodle said. I imagined that this was Ebony.
“I am not a dog,” I growled at them. “I am clearly a tiny wolf! Can’t you see it?” I stood stiffly so that at least some of my weirdness wouldn’t show.
Pippin broke out laughing. “It’s so obvious that you’re not a wolf! Dude...”
Ebony and Treble glared at him, and Ebony kicked him.
“Sorry, puffin hunter. He’s nuts. You may have grown up thinking that you’re a wolf, but you’re... really not.”
“How would YOU know, show-poodle? You’re just a--”

She stared right into my eyes. “You don’t know how many times I’ve been told that, but you know what? Show-poodles like me are capable of so much more. I read. I read so much that I’ve memorized the Library. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even be alive right now. You might want to think before you say anything else, just so you don’t get thrown into a tree.”
I decided to keep my mouth shut, even though show-poodles were definately not high on my list.
I knew all about these dogs’ human roles. I was taught them by my cousin, who studied them before I came along. He told me all about what the domestic dogs did to and with the humans, and what the humans did to them. I was positively horrified.

“Now, do you want to hear why we know you’re not a wolf, or do you want to keep lying to yourself?”
I flattened my ears and flopped down on the ground. “I guess it’s storytime...”
Ebony smiled and began.
“About a year ago, there was someone around where I used to live (a human) who owned a kind of dog that was meant to hunt the puffins that lived on the cliffs. She had two puppies- and then she vanished. The last anyone ever saw, smelled or... anything... of the puffin hunters was a puppy wandering off to the wilderness. Everyone else thought that this was the end of puffin hunters. I thought something was wrong. I took Treble out with me on a short expedition and discovered a pack of wolves living near the cliffs. They had one extremely tiny puppy that they said that they had found; the mother was no where to be seen. I told them what you were and they called me blind. They said that I would have to bring the mother with me next time if I were to have any hope of getting you back. I visited about three more times, each time getting more information. The last time I was there they said that ‘I needed to just drop it; the Lundehund was better protected with them than with the dratted humans and their pets.’ I asked why you needed protection, and the wolves told me that the Mountain King needed her alive in a year. I had no clue why the Mountain King would want you in a year.
“So then my library addiction began. I haven’t been without a book in ten months. I read and read everything I could about these ‘Lundehunds’ and about why the Mountain King would want one. Other than the fact that they’re so rare, I could find nothing- until recently. Last month I discovered that on this island, two hundred years ago, there was once a Lundehund that was able to somehow threaten the Mountain Queen’s rule. The Queen was in control before she died and then her husband, the Kingy, took over. He has feared Lundehunds now- he is out to end the race. He would do that to you because you had no clue that you were related to a dog who could control sunlight.”
Ebony stopped talking. I didn’t know what to say, and I didn’t want to believe this. Ebony hadn’t showed any hard evidence other than my size.
“Is your name Ebony?” I asked.
“Yes,” she said.
“How do you know that I’m a Loon hoon? Or whatever you said I was?”
Ebony picked up a book that sat beside her and flipped to a page. I saw something that looked a lot like myself. Extra toes. Fluffy butt. Ears. It was me. I just kind of... stared at it for a while. The others were patient with me, I was glad for that. I needed time for this to sink in.
While I was pondering this new piece of information, a great shadow fell over me. It was bigger than a wolf. I turned around and saw a box-like face, droopy ears, and- pure giganticness. I freaked out and ran behind Ebony and Pippin.
“Welcome back, Tor!”
The giant dog sat down and dropped a duck out of his mouth. “She’s alive! That’s good.”
I stared at it. That wasn’t a dog, that was a rhino. It couldn’t be a dog. It was about four times my size.
I sniffed at it cautiously. He could easily have reached down and snapped me up in its great wide jaws.
“Sharama, meet Tor. He’s a Great Dane. He’s big, but he’s actually quite nice,” Pippin grinned. “We think he’s part vegetarian crocodile.”
I gave Pippin a murderous glare, the crocodile comment didn’t help one bit. The six- no, five, I am not one of them- dogs gathered in a circle in the little clearing. I was left standing in the middle. Next to Ebony and the snowball dog there was a wide space.
“Sit down there,” Treble snapped.
I took my time getting there.
As soon as I sat down on the soft grass, Ebony the poodle started talking very formally.
“Everyone, let us remember this day as the day that we come together as the new Six; a group of dogs devoted to the protection of Aikenew. Whether young Sharama likes it or not, she is now a member of the group; free to do her own stunts, as the ‘alpha’. She is in charge, since she is the one with legendary blood.”
I frowned. “I’m nothing special,” I muttered. “I’m just a mutated wol- I mean, Norwegian Lundehund. Or whatever they were. Ebony can keep her role as leader.”

Ebony’s ears practically leaped up. “Oh, really, Sharama? You mean it?” She looked and sounded confused.
“Why don’t you want to be leader?”
I didn’t recognize this voice. I looked around to my left to see the snowball dog staring at me with much surprise in his voice.

I didn’t know what to say. His eyes bored into me like a woodpecker into a tree. He HAD to be used for human manipulation with those puppy eyes. I honestly had no clue what to say; I looked down. I would have to say something; I might as well make it good.
“I... I don’t want to have full responsibility over everyone’s lives, or whatever is going on here.” I brought my head up again. “I don’t even know you that well, and I have absolutely no clue why we even NEED a ‘the Six.’ The Mountain King seems to be a dandy fine ruler up there.”
Everyone looked down then, except for Mr. Puppy Eyes. He was still staring at me like I had bug eyes or something, which I knew I didn’t.
He spoke again. “Not many people know this, but the Mountain King demands a, well, monthly ‘sacrifice’ made to him. His trolls go out once a month and find him a meal from one of the many races on this island. Usually it’s something slightly valuable, like a wolf or a human or even a giant doggigator like Tor.” (Tor whined.) “A while ago, Treble lost her whole family because of this.”
I looked around for some confirmation of this. Treble nodded sadly.
“I’m Ven, by the way,” the puffball named Ven said randomly. “I’m a mix between human negotiations and recon; and when we’re just chilling I provide lots of conversation starers.” He grinned mischeviously. I flicked my ears back, suddenly rather nervous.
Taking the cue, Tor looked at me and introduced himself. “I’m Tor. I provide medical attention, hunting, and free hugs.” He smiled, his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth.
No thanks, I thought. I’d turn into a pancake.
“You know me,” Treble squauked. “I am the Reader, and generally go with either Pippin or Ven on Recon.”
Pippin laughed maniacally. I shuddered.
“And I’m Pippin,” he sniggered. “I’m the crazy recon expert, and I also entertain everyone with my compositions.”

“...Compositions?” I questioned.
“Oh, no. Here we go again...” Ven sighed and shook his head.

“Want me to sing you one?” Pippin smiled widely.
“I... sure.” I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I THOUGHT he was going  to attempt to serenade me from what it sounded like, but what I heard was not at all what I expected.
The long dog trotted into the center of the circle and began to sing.
I stuck my head in a hole in a log
and I saw a giant, vicious mole
It had giant claws!
I snapped it up in my jaws
Then it turned and scratched my head
Then I snapped it’s neck and it was DEAD!”
Pippin turned around and trotted back to his spot, bowing. “Thank you, thank you. Don’t all applaud at once.”

“I’m Ebony,” the poodle said, before Pippin could start on another delightful song. “I am mostly the research. I stay in the HQ most of the time, mostly because I have a condition that I can’t run with...” She stopped. “What about you? What are you good at?”
I flicked my ears back. I wanted to avoid anything that would get me involved with them, so that they wouldn’t know what I was thinking.
“I- uh... rock climbing? Rugged terrain?  I don’t know, hunting. I’ve never really needed to do anything like what I think you’re thinking before.”
Pippin started jumping up and down. “I GOT IT!! I GOT IT!! We could take her out on a training sort of mission, like a couple of recon, a few retrieval, and perhaps a couple of extermination jobs too!”
Ebony looked around. “Is everyone in favor of this?”
Everyone except for me nodded. I sat completely still and tried to drain my face of emotion. This actually sounded like a good idea, but I still didn’t want to be part of saving the world. It was such a big burden.
“I can go check what we have on the agenda for today, see what would be easy enough that she could tag along on,” Ebony said. “I hope she’ll like our line of business.” And Ebony trotted into a hollowed out tree and was gone. Pippin, Ven and Treble trotted into a different tree, and Tor sat down. I looked around. Tor had his back to me, and as long as I made absolutely no noise, perhaps I could sneak past them? It was worth a shot.
I snaked back toward the small stream and jumped in. It was always logical that when you were playing hide-and-seek and didn’t want your scent followed that you traveled by river. I followed the stream until I passed by a tree- and saw Tor’s lanky tail thumping on the ground. He was talking to Pippin, who was somehow in the tree. I guessed that that was their equipment tree. I sloshed through the stream when suddenly, it dropped off. I fell through the water, surprised, and came up gasping.
The stream joined the river here, and the current nipped at my ankles, and I slowly drifted through the watery valley.
I was concentrating on paddling and keeping my head above the water when I heard a great splash after me. Craning my head, I saw that Ven was standing on the bank and Tor was in the water after me.
I groaned, and barked at him, “I’M FINE! REALLY!”
Apparently he didn’t hear me, and the stronger swimmer overtook me and picked me out of the water with his huge jowls. I was not pleased one bit.
Tor swam back to shore with little difficulty and placed me right next to Ven.
“Did you fall in?” the snowball said with a laugh.
I growled and laid down unhappily.
*Thanks to Achilles for the Corgi Songs.*
Enjoy your cliffhanger. >:)

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