
Unending Battle: Aris and Heanor

Demigod found Rine and they walked to the great palace, Sanim Dain. They had to wait in long line to be before the court. He was going to explain his predicament to the king, and hope that he was in a good mood.
It took a long time to get to the front of the line. During the wait, Demigod quizzed Rine on the different nerve points and clusters.
When they entered the court room, Demigod suddenly froze. He was staring at the lady, who sat beside King Heanor.
She looke up and they made eye contact. She stood and swept towards him.
“Demigod! Its been so long!” she said shaking his hand.
“Indeed, Aris. I have not seen you since the year it happened. When did you marry lord Heanor?”
“But six months ago, and it has been the best of my life.” She said.
Rine looked at Demigod, her eyes asking for an explanation.
“This is Aris. She was the adopted sister of Jae.” He said.
“And who is this?” asked Aris.
“Rine, Furry.” said Rine, introducing herself.
“Greetings, I am Aris, current high queen of Kaed, lady of the Sun-lit Tower.”
“Wow. I’ve never met queen before.” said Rine in awe. Aris smiled and said to Demigod:
“How’s Fandril?”
“An ever present reminder of past darkness and current light.”
“Current light is good. So, what have you come to Sanim Htirit for?” she asked.
“I want to see the Oracle of Lenedil.” Demigod said bluntly. Aris whistled.
“You can’t” she said. By now Demigod and Rine were at the front of the line and Heanor stepped down from his throne.
“Aris, who are you friends?” he asked.
“Demigod, who would have been my step-brother of not for an accident, and his companion, Rine.”
“Well, family you say? Let us go to our private chambers and discuss what you’ve come for.”
“No need for that. What I ask is simple.” said Demigod.
“What is that?” asked Heanor with smile.
“With all do respect, I want to see the Oracle of Lenendil.” The smiled disappeared from Heanor’s face.
“She is not available.” He said, his brow darkening.
“Why not?” Demigod asked, raising an eyebrow.
“She was executed on charges of paganism and black magic. Only her orb, which has been purified, remains.”
“May I see the orb?” Demigod asked.
“No. It is a relic of intense magic, and is protected by my most elite forces.”
“Thank you, we will be going now.” said Demigod.
“No, please stay. I would like to get to know you, seeing as my wife seems to know you well.” Heanor said, putting a strong hand on Demigod’s shoulder.
“Thank you, but we have been absent from our party to long and you have other people wishing to speak with you.” said Demigod.
“In that case, come back tomorrow, just tell the guards at the front gate that you where requested to visit. They’ll you where to go.” said Jae.
“We will. I shall look forward to it. Congratulations on you new post.” said Demigod. With that, he turned and left.
As soon as they left to throne hall, Demigod took a sharp left and walked down a hall lined with tapestries.
“Follow me.” He hissed. Rine trotted after him.
“Where are we going?” he asked.
“I have hunch.” He said. They passed through many halls, dodging out of sight when people came down the hall.
After wandering through the fortress for about a half hour, Demigod came to a hall outside of an open door. Demigod peeked inside and recoiled. He quickly retreated, stumbleing over Rine. Demigod fell into a large vase, which crashed to the floor. Demigod yanked Rine to her feet and the stood up. A guard came running down the hall.
“Who are you?” asked the guard.
“Thank goodness! A royal guard. Some uncouth barbarian just ran into us, knocking over that vase. I hope it wasn’t expensive.” said Demigod.
“What are you doing here?” asked the guard.
“We were looking for the exit, and kinda got lost.” Rine made up.”
“Could you point the way?” asked Demigod. The guard gave them directions and they were off.  
As they walked back to the Blunt Blade, Rine asked Demigod what the whole thing in the castle was about.
“Lets just say, we are going to be busy tonight.” Said Demigod with smug grin. When they entered the Blunt Blade, they found Kayla, Arryd, Kouken, and Malyn playing four-way-chess.  Katara sat nearby watching the game.
“I lost the coin toss.” she explained.
“Well, you won’t to be left out of whats going to happen tonight.” said Demigod. He sat down and laid out the plan.

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