
Unending Battle: Hiram Arena

The group threw themselves into battle. They fought heroically, but the sheer force of the large number of soldiers overwhelmed them.
The soldiers tied the group’s hands behind there backs and took there weapons. The men took Demigod to a cell deep underneath the ground. Then they knocked him out.
When he awoke, Demigod was thirsty. Really thirsty. As he woke up more, Demigod noticed that his hands were untied. And that a girl was standing outside his cell.
“Aris?” asked Demigod in a dazed tone. The figure nodded. Demigod sat up.
“Why did you do it, Demigod?” she whispered. Her voice sounded hoarse from crying.
“Now you will surely be killed. The court has passed that you are guilty of treason and breaking and entering. You are to battle for your life in the Hiram Arena at noon. No one survives long.” said Aris. Then she burst into tears.
Demigod stood up.
“I can fend for myself.” said Demigod. Aris looked up at him.
“What of my companions?” asked Demigod.
“They are too fight you.” said Aris. Demigod stared at her.
“What?” said Demigod, “That is by far the worst punishment on earth. Worst then death. I can not believe that one would be sentenced to that. To have to KILL ones friends?”
Aris nodded, tears coming out of her eyes.
“They can not make me!” said Demigod. Fire lit in his eyes. He back up and kicked the wall. His shoulders heaved. He turned back around. Aris was hugging herself and crying.
“Its okay, Aris. I’ll figure something out.”
“Why must everyone that I care for be killed?” lamented  Aris.
“I’m not dead yet. You have Heanor and you Parents.” said Demigod gently. His fire had been extinguished. Unfortunately, this statement seemed to make her cry harder.
“My parents died in a fire last year.” she gasped. Demigod’s head hung. His jaw went slack.
“Gone, every thing is gone.” muttered Demigod. Aris’ body heaved from sobbing. Two guards approached the cell.
“It is time to prepare the convict for the Arena.” said a mustachioed guard. They unlocked the cell and jerked Demigod out of it. He muttered a farewell to Aris, and the guards pulled him down the hall.

Demigod did not feel good. He had been stripped of his tunic, sword, and dignity. The Hiram Arena officials had outfitted him with a rough brown-cloth kilt, and leather ciurasse, a single shoulder guard and a light a single leather gauntlet.
Heanor walked up to Demigod.
“I want you to know, that this was the only thing that the council would except but death. I figured you would want to go down fighting. I tried, Demigod. Me and Aris both. You seem like a good man. I don’t know why you were in the fortress, but I believe it was a valid reason. Good luck. Oh, and Aris and I changed the sentence at the last minute. You will not be fighting your friends.” said Heanor. He pulled a wrapped item from under his cloak. He unwrapped it.
“Fandril. I asked one of my scholars to translate the name. It means Sunless End.” Heanor passed the blade to Demigod. He grasped the hilt.
“It seems fitting.” said Demigod. He raised Fandril. He lowred it and looked at Heanor.
“If I live through this, I will tell you why I broke into the castle.” he said. Heanor nodded. A great trumpet sounded.
“LET THE GAMES BEGIN!” said a loud voice. Demigod approached the gate. It opened. Demigod was hit by the blinding sunlight.
“Sunless End, eh?” he said, “Not today.” Demigod stepped into the Hiram Arena.

Far acrossed the sea, the tower had risen. It was at it’s full power. The elf descended a steep flight of stairs. He went down, down, down. He was now below sea level. He entered a room.
“Rise, my creation. Lay waist to Theresia. Leave none unpunished for there treachery. There will be no dawn for Men.”

Demigod walked out into the middle of the Arena. He saw Heanor take a seat next to Aris. Chained next to them were his friends.
“DEMIGOD, TRAITOR AND THEIF!” roared the voice. Demigod just stood.
“AND HIS OPPONENT!” A gate opened and a huge creature leaped out of it. It had massive paws. Each paws had seven razor sharp claws attached. It had a feline form. It’s giant head had row, after row of teeth.
“SARX!” Demigod raised Fandril. The beast attacked. Demigod rolled to the side, but he got caught up in the beast’s limbs. He used this opportunity to slice off a few toes. Demigod straightened. The beast lunged at him. One of it’s giant clawed paws slashed his face. Demigod went down. Sarx sniffed Demigod’s form.
Suddenly, Demigod twisted his form around and plunged Fandril into Sarx’s heart. The beast’s heart. Sarx let out a yowl and fell over, dead.
Demigod stood, his chest heaving. Three jagged claw marks ran across his face. They bled profusely. Demigo walked over to Sarx. He pulled Fandril from the beast’s breast and wiped the blood on the ground.
“DEMIGOD IS VICTORIOUS!” yelled the voice. Demigod rolled his shoulder and wlaked back towards the gate.
“HIS NEXT OPPONENT..... CHARLEMAGNE!” A man walked out the gates. He swung a huge halberd.
Demigod kept walking towards the gate he had come in through. It closed. Demigod turned around to the Charlemagne charging him.
Demigod raised Fandril. Charlemagne was bearing down on him. Demigod held his ground. Ten yards, five yards, ten feet, Demigod qiuckly dodged to the side, spinning around Charlemagne and cutting the man’s ham-strings. The man’s legs gave way. He fell to the ground. A gate opened and stretcher pulled the Charlemagne off the field of battle.
Demigod stood again.
Demigod rolled his eyes. He ran a hand over his face, feeling the depth of his cuts.
A single person came onto the field. He carried a sword a kit full of medical supplies. He approached Demigod.
Suddenly, the man turned into a great dragon! The dragon unfurled its massive wings and let out a mighty roar. Demigod backed up. He raised Fandril.
“Defter...” he muttered under his breath. The great dragon unleashed a massive fire ball at Demigod. Demigod rolled to the side, avoiding the flame. Demigod decided to employ a knew strategy. If he just kept trying to avoid the flame, he would eventually mess up and get turned into nice crispy bacon. Yum.
Demigod charged the dragon. The beast was momentarily surprised by this sudden act of courage, but it got over it and let out a burst of red hot fire. Demigod dived under it. He was burned none the less though. Demigod fought off the pain and continued to charge the dragon.
He leaped and thrust Fandril into the beast’s breast. It roared in pain. Demigod pushed Fandril in deeper, until Demigod’s hands were inside the beasts.
The Defter’s heavy tail swung around and knocked Demigod away. Demigod flew threw the air. Fandril remained in the dragon’s breast. Demigod scrambled to his feet. He had to get to Fandril.
The Defter rose on his massive wings and bore down on Demigod. His tail swung back and forth. His jaws opened wide, a red maw waiting to spew fire and death.
Demigod charged. Defter and Demigod converged. Demigod leaped with all his might, his fingers grasping for Fandril. The Defter’s claws flew out to kill Demigod. Demigod pulled Fandril from the dragon’s chest and swung it in mid-air.
The Defter’s headless human body fell to earth. Demigod fell with it. The victoriouse Demigod stripped off his armor. He was done. He was not going to fight anymore.
Demigod ran to one of the gates and burst threw it. He saw a horse and jumped on it. Heanor and Aris burst around the corner.
“Demigod! Don’t go!” shouted Aris. Demigod swung the horse around.
“Where are my friends?” he asked.
“They left the city last night.” said Heanor.
“I must go. To the sea.” said Demigod. Aris clasped his hand.
“Then go. Find your friends and do what you must, but remember my sister.” said Aris. Demigod nodded and urged the horse away as guards converged on them.

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