

I did. Well, it technically wasn't shotgun because it was my friend Noah Mead's airsoft shotgun.

Backstory, It was my friend Sam's birthday so he invited me and some other guys up to a old summer camp to play airsoft. It was awesome.

We played a really fun game were three people were in barn, (its called Barn Siege) trying to defend a flag from the other four. Me and the previously mentioned Noah and Sam's friend from Orchestra, Caleb totally kicked butt. We had two shotguns, two pistols, and an oozie (automatic).

Another game we played was called Cabin Heist. It was the basic set up of Barn Siege, just your in a cabin and it goes until all the people in the cabin are dead. It was amazing. We started by barricading the door. Then, we either took up positions in the rafters or under the bunks. When Sam's dad opened the door, I totally plugged him with my shotgun. IT FELT SO GOOD!

We also ate Skittles and Twizzlers for breakfast and watched The Fellowship of the Ring. We set traps for raccoons, but didn't catch anything.

So, Katie, now you know why I was so stinkin' tired in Saturday.

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