


Summer is a time of joy and sunshine. As she rode through the woods, Kalwyn enjoyed these things. The rustle of the breeze in the trees, the sunshine coming through gaps in branches. Her horse, Nenian, trotted between trees and bushes.
Kalwyn was an Elf. In fact, she was the Elfheart, a single elf maiden that was sent to the great city Rod Gar of Gondolen. She fulfilled a powerful enchantment that protected Rod Gar from prying eyes and ears. She was considered the most important elf in Gondolen. Without her, the men of the Great City would have no secrets.
Usually, she rode with a few guards, but today she had ditched them. She had spurred Nenian on in elvish, leaving the man horses in the dust. Elvin horses had no equal.
Kalwyn loved the feeling of her short chocolate brown hair flying in the wind behind her delicate elf ears. She had a high brow like most elves, and had vivid blue eyes. She held Nenian’s reigns lightly in her tapered fingers.
Nenian began the rock his head back and forth. The elf horse began to run much faster. The nimble hooves suddenly tripped, dumping Kalwyn into the dead leave and dirt on of the forest floor.
That was strange. Elf horses did not just trip. Especially Nenian. Kalwyn stood. She looked around. The summer day seemed to darken, even though it was not yet noon. She looked at Nenian. She was covered in lather, and his eyes looked dull. Something was not right. Nenian drew a ornamental knife.
Asok gryk erfk ter.” growled a voice in Gruttang. The language of the orcs.
El ninian erianet!” said Kalwyn in elvish. “Get back devil!”
“Speak in the common tongue, elf rat! Do not use those musical tones on my ears!”
“Who are you?” asked Kalwyn in the common speech.

“Your new best friend.” growled the voice. A huge orc stepped out of the trees. Blood ran down the side of his face, and several huge scars ran across his bare arms and face. A long scimitar with blood running down it was grasped in each bloodied hand.
“What do you want with me?” asked Kalwyn, her voice trembling.
“I want nothing with you, but my master is quite interested in your abilities.” said the orc. He stepped forward, his scimitars raised. “Come quietly, and you may go in one piece.”
Arein ti alden ly!” Kalwyn whispered to the ornamental dagger in her hand. “grow and aid me.” It grew into a short sword with a jeweled hilt. The orc cringed at her elvish words.
“Rarku! Lart! Ark berz!” shouted the huge orc in the dark tongue. Kalwyn felt a dirty bloody hand cover her mouth. Another twisted her sword arm behind her back. She gasped behind the revolting hand. The huge orc order two more orcs to tie her up. They gagged and bound her. One of the orcs slung her over its shoulder.
Kalwyn twisted her head to looked back, and saw the huge orc slit the throat of Nenian. Kalwyn gasped behind her gag. The orc carrying her took off on a full run. The jittering ride threw Kalwyn all over the place. She hit her head on the orc’s shield and was out cold.  


Gyre took his seat among many. It was sunset of a nice summer day. He had been summoned by the lord of Rod Gar and Gondolen. Near fifty men and women of high status had been summoned by Lord Belerian for an emergency meeting.
Seated at the the large stone table that stood in the center of the throne room, Gyre fidgeted with his sword hilt. He did not see the Elfheart or his best friend, Kel. Both Gyre and Kel were captain in the army of the Westmen. Kel was currently charged with the mission of guarding the Elfheart.
King Belerian entered the room and sat down.
“Men of the army of Westmen. Politicians of Rod Gar. Ladies of the Great City. We have a crisis. The Elfheart has been captured.”  a gasp emanated from everyone in the room.
“What’s the evidence?” shouted a captain of the guard.
“When she did not return from her horseback ride, scouts were sent out to find her. They found her gaurd slain, her horse dead, and her ceremonial dagger lying on the ground. Further investigation found footprints leading away from the horse’s corpse along with a trail of blood. The footprints were identified as those of three orcs.”
Gyre stood.
“Who were the guards?” he asked. The king looked to the commander of defense.
“I’m sorry.” said the commander. Gyre sat down. A fellow captain of the army of Westman named Andwise stood.
“Without the Elfheart, we can be observed from afar!”
“Indeed. There is no doubt that we are being watched right now.” said the King.
“We must form a team to rescue the Kalwyn the Elfheart.” said a politician.
“YES!” replied several people.
“I agree. Do we have any volunteers?” said King Belerian. Gyre stood.
“My best friend was killed guarding Kalwyn. I must avenge his death. Allow me to help recover the Elfheart.” he said.
“You have a right, Gyre son of Gare. You will avenge Kestrel son of Peregrine.” said the King.
“She had my sword.” said Gyre. He drew his blade and laid it on the stone table. Gyre’s friend Noaden stood.
“Where Gyre goes, I go. I pledge my sword.” Noaden also layed down his blade. Dark  haired and broad shouldered, Noaden was a descendant of the northmen. He had large hands that could grasped any weapon and gruff demeanor.
Andwise stood.
“It is no rumor that I have affections for the Elfheart, and that we have become good friends. I would give my life to save her. My sword his hers.” he said.
“Men, you must take an oath to complete your the task set before you, or die in the attempt.”
“Wait! Your majesty!” said a small, feminine voice.
“The Elfheart is my sister. I will not stand idly by.” said a young elf with long chocolate colored hair and vibrant green eyes. Her name was Gelwyn, and being the lone sister of the Elfheart, she was the representative from Emen Syl,
“What can you offer to this quest, elf maiden of Emen Syl?” said the King.
“I can fire a bow with deadly accuracy, and throw knives just as well. I also know a variety of spells. Besides that, I have a vast knowledge of plants and herbs.”
“Seeing as you are an elf, and the sister of the Elfheart, and that you have a wide variety of skills, you may join the quest.”
“Sire, what exactly are the side effects of the loss of the Kalwyn the Elfheart?” asked politician.
“Several thousand years ago, a treaty was signed between the high elves of Emen Syl and the men of Gondolen. For every generation, a elf maiden of royal blood was sent to our great city of Rod Gar. Her presence shielded our city from the enemy's eyes. No seeing stone or magical eye could see into the walls of our city. In return for the elf maiden, who was called the Elfheart of Rod Gar, every generation, we sent our greatest warrior to Emyn Syl to the lead the elves into battle. The Elfheart also has such considerably amplified magical abilities, that many in history have surpassed their power, and only the greatest wizards would dare fight them. Our current Elfheart, Kalwyn daughter of Rinuseld, has the most power ever seen in an Elfheart. Indeed, if she is in enemy hands, there will be many dark days ahead.” The room was left silent as the gravity of the situation hung upon the gathering.
“And so we have our, company. You must ride now and hard. Do not stop until you have completed your task, for it may hold the fate of the all the races of free people. Go and prepare yourselves.” commissioned Lord Belerian.
Gyre grabbed his sword from the table and sheathed it. He walked out of the room. Noaden followed swiftly.
Gyre hurried back to barracks and changed out of his expensive robes. He put on a heavy leather tunic and cloth pants. He lashed leather armor to his shoulders. He pulled on thick black boots made from the hide of a chimera. The chimera hide made it so that the boots would never get worn of be cut. Fire did not affect them. Poison could not seep through them.
Leather gauntlets also made from the skin of a chimera went on his hands. Two Celasti wings were strapped to his chest to protect his heart and lung. Celasti was not only densest metal known to man, but it was also completely spell proof. Similar greeves went over his legs. Over everything went a warm green cloak.
Gyre buckled his sword to his waist along with his elvin long knife. The sword’s hilt had a similar wing design to his Celasti greaves and armor. The blade of the sword was made from and alloy of Celasti, copper, and titanium. It was about three feet long. His elvish long knife had a foot long blade that curved. It was also made from Celasti.
Gyre left his barrack and walked to the stables where he found both Gelwyn and Noaden choosing mounts.
“Greetings, Gelwyn maiden of Emyn Syl. It is an honor to go on this quest with you.” said Gyre.
“I say the same.” returned Gelwyn politely. Gelwyn was outiftted in much thinner leather armor. She also did not have greaves or gauntlets. A bow was slung across her back along with a quiver of arrows. A brace of knives hung from her waist.   Gyre grabbed a supple leather saddle from a rack and placed on his steed, Falcon.
“Have you seen Andwise?” asked Noaden. He was outiftted in similar armor to Gyres.
“Here he comes now.” said Gyre, gesturing with his hand. Andwise stepped through a high arch made of white stone. It was the Equis Arche. Behind him came Lord Belerian.
Gyre cinched a strap as they came closer.
“Greetings, bearer of a heavy burden, for that is what you are now. You have the burden of bringing back our city’s main defense. If you fail our city will most certainly fall to the forces of evil. Even now, I can feel our meeting being watched. I have a simple gift for each of you.” Belerian pulled a cloth bound object from beneath his robe.
“For Gelwyn, a whistle. It will turn the ears of foes away from you and confuse the eye of the enemy when blown. But, you may only use it thrice. Be careful when and how you use it.” Gelwyn excepted the whistle. It was a bronzey color and had three holes. She hung it around her neck.
“For Noaden, the thorn from the back of a powerful dragon named Glarund. I slew him in my youth. It will give you partial dominion over a single race of changelings for a single day. It will enable you to influence them. It has much power left in it, but use it sparingly.” Noaden took the golden red spike from Lord Belerian. It was about a foot long and tapered into a sharp point.
“For Andwise, four darts. They have a powerful potion in them that not only knocks out the person they hit, but allow you to inhabit their body for as long as the potion lasts. These should help you in rescuing the Elfheart from her bonds.” Belerian gave Andwise a small box. Inside were four small dart, barely long then Andwise’s index finger. They had long needle like point and acid green fletches.
“And for Gyre, my greatest warrior. For you I have only a small chain, for it will help you find what you need. I do not yet know what you need, but with the help of this chain, you will find. I have no doubt.” Belerian hung a silver chain around Gyre’s neck. “ Also, I was going to tell you this sooner or later, but the generation is passing. My parent’s generation are beginning to run short and a new generation is being born every day. Should you return, you will be sent to Emen Syl as the new Spartan.” Gyre gasped. Gelwyn applauded softly. Noaden put his hand on Gyre’s shoulder. Andwise simply made eye contact.
“But time is short! If fear is in your heart, champions, give up your gift now. If you do not wish to succeed in your quest, return to me you gift. Do not fail. Do not fail. Mount your steed, and ride, ride from the glistening walls of our city. Ride and do not stop until you have succeeded or else died. Ride now, champions!”
Gyre mounted his horse. He looked around to be sure that everyone was on horse. He noticed that Andwise had saddled a horse while he was receiving his gift. Everyong was mounted and ready. Gyre dug his spurs into the side of Falcon and rode down the cobblestone streets of Rod Gar.

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