
More Sharama!

Foo, it's been a while since we've had a story update! I'll provide us one right now, then. Enjoy this chapter of Sharama, and remember that you can always see what's going on in the story riiiiiight here.

He dramatically walked over to the edge of the cliff, and looked over to the eastern horizon. The sky was getting pink, but there were a lot of clouds. Wondering about this, I look over at him. He was nipping at his back. I stifle back a snicker before I realize that he really IS taking a small ball of sunfire off of his back. Just a small bit, though. He glances at me and flings the fire into the sky. It wavered on its path then explodes into the sky, creating a small disc.
“What’s wrong with it?” I realized instantly that this is a really small sun.
Your turn, the Lundehund grinned. Just try it!
When I nipped the orb of fire of of my shoulder, I tasted raspberries. Confusion ensued but I threw it anyways.
After I opened my eyes, I saw a small dot of fire flying to join the rest of the fire. A grin exploded onto my face almost like how the sun had. I looked over at the adult Lundehund, but he was gone! Then the scene faded.
I realized that I had woken up and was REALLY bringing the sun up.
Looking over my shoulder, I saw the cat sharpening his claws on a tree trunk. Ven was still sound asleep, having nested in the leaves.
I looked around some more. I didn’t know where to go, but the shoreline sounded good.
“Cat! Come on, I’m leaving. Ven, wake up,” I snarked. I took care to make sure that I stepped on Ven’s tail. That got him awake.
They both followed me, despite all annoyingness. I wanted this OVER with, since in every story I had heard of before the hero succeeds. Why would mine be any different?
The cliff faces sharpened swiftly, and I was forced to walk along it as it got closer to shore. Ven and the cat followed, but I can’t say without mishap; the cat fell at a particularly tricky piece of stone and- of course- landed on his feet. In the sand. I made a mental note to make sure that he taught me that. When finally I reached the beach, I looked back. Ven stood unmoving at the top of a rock. The cat was shaking his head scornfully at him.
“Come on, just drop down. It’s not that far,” the cat hissed.
“Yes it is. And YOU always land on your feet. And she has extra toes,” Ven yapped. He really is sort of a wimp, I thought.
I called back, “Cat, are there any other routes he could take down?”
The cat flicked an ear at me. Ven winced.
“His name is Greol,” Ven explained.
“Whatever.” I growled. I wasn’t interested in the cat’s name. I didn’t even know why he was tagging along. “Just find another way. It’s not that hard to cut through the--” I stopped.
Ven had fallen and now lay unconscious in the sand.
Greol was gonna get it now.
“Ebony! What are we doing? They’re obviously gone. We can’t do anything. Why don’t you just drop it for the day? We’ve been going ALL night!”
Pippin peered at the black poodle from just under a small bush. She wasn’t okay. The corgi didn’t know what was driving the black dog- she had hip dysplasia, not to mention the fact that she had broken her left leg and not done anything about it years ago.
Tor sat down next to her. “I hate to bring the crew down, but I don’t think we’re going to find them. At least, not today, tonight, whatever. Even if we’re going to continue our search, we ought to to get some sleep to make up for last night.”
Ebony shook her head. “We can’t stop. They’re both in danger. You all heard Treble yesterday- two Imperials came through. We can’t rest until we’ve found them, dead or alive. And if they’re dead-“
Pippin barked loudly, “Ebony! JUST STOP! You’re going to kill yourself! How does your hip feel right now, hmm?”
Ebony looked shameful. “It’s… sore.”
“You pitiful liar, it’s more than sore.” The corgi laughed a bit. “It probably hurts worse than a thousand bee stings!”
“But... Finding...”
“Sit.” Pippin stood up. “I’ll keep looking, and I’ll take Treble... I guess... cuz Tor can defend you. Right?”
Tor nodded his gigantic head. Behind the cuddly nature, he was a born guardian. It’s in the genetics of a Great Dane to protect.
Ebony sighed, and sat down unhappily.
Pippin started walking away, the white pomeranian at his heels.
“Pip, you don’t suppose she’s right? They’re dead? We haven’t found any sign of them yet... and the island isn’t THAT big...” Treble whined.
“No, I highly doubt it. Sharama’s tough. Ven’s the one I’m worried about.” Pippin looked at the sunset. “As a matter of fact, I know she’s alive. You didn’t notice the sun’s early rising today?”
Treble was hit with realization. “So she IS the sun dog! Amazing.”
“We all had our doubts, then... interesting. She’s got a lot to learn, and she needs to be more confident with herself,” Pippin stopped and sniffed at the ground. “Otherwise, she’ll never be able to do anything.”
Treble stood next to him. She could feel the excitement bubbling up inside the corgi as he snuffled about- a badger had gone through last night, apparently- there was a mole in a bush- a squirrel up that tree. Treble could smell it too. She just didn’t find interest in it. She felt watched, though. Something seemed to be watching their every move, but she couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was or where it was coming from. Treble ignored it, assuming it was a squirrel or some other hidden woodland creature.
Pippin suddenly barked. “Get in the backpack, Treble! I might have found them!”
With some clumsiness, the tiny Pomeranian jumped in the bag and Pippin took off.

Tune in next time to find out. :) Mwahahahaha.

Oh yeah, and trivia time. Highlight between the asterisks * to see a hint. If anyone can get them correct, they'll be mentioned in the next post I make!!

1. How does Treble know they are being watched and what Pippin is feeling? *Hint: Earlier in series!*
2. What breed of dog is Sharama? *Also earlier in series!*
3. What exactly is sunfire? *Just guess. This one hasn't ever really been explained yet.*
4. Who is the main antagonist in this series? *WAAAY earlier in the series.*
5. Why does sunfire taste like raspberries? *Hint: UNIVERSE FLAVOR! This is a random nerdy reference.*

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