
Rant Time

All right, Squirrel got a chance to rant on her page, so it's time for a rant of my own.  The subject?  Video games.  However, I'm not ranting about them because their evil, ungodly, and possessive.  In fact, video games being viewed in that sense is EXACTLY why I'm ranting.  First of all, possessive.  I know, many people have become obsessed with video games, and it's taking up their lives.  But this sounds to me like the videos at driver's ed.  They constantly remind you that you could die while driving, and that those that died thought they wouldn't die from a car crash.  However, does that mean that the majority of deaths in the world are caused by cars?  NO!  Yes, it is a problem, but no one could possibly drive with the idea in their head that they might die.   The reason those kids that died thought they wouldn't from car crashes was because EVERYONE thinks that way!  Sorry, I got sidetracked, but it all still relates to the topic.  Yes, video games make people addicted, but is that the main addiction here?  I see and hear of quite a bit more issues with sexual behavior and nudity then I EVER hear about video games.  And yet, NOTHING is being done to stop the greater evil!  And if you bring up the argument that it's a personal choice, well so is becoming obsessed with video games.  

Now to the whole evil and ungodly thing.  Many people think video games are evil because of the terrible things in them.  Some video games even promote other religions.  However, think about this.  How many Christianity-based video games have you heard of?  I know about all kinds of video games, but I only know of about 10 Christian video games, and 3/4 of them are for the NES, the FIRST NINTENDO SYSTEM IN EXISTENCE!  Maybe the reason that there are all these terrible video games is because CHRISTIANS ARE TOO WIMPY TO TAKE A STEP INTO THE VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY!  Video games are so popular these days, it almost doesn't make sense why we're not taking advantage of them!  We could be using video games to spread the gospel!  And don't complain that the bible isn't interesting enough.  I have read books that take the Bible stories, add some imagination, AND LOOK AWESOME.  Who says we can't make our own video game version of the Bible?  There is so much potential in the video game market for our religion, and WE AREN'T TAKING A SINGLE STEP IN THAT DIRECTION!!!!  It almost sickens me that we've been acting this way!  There is no excuse for this kind of behavior.  

And now, my final point.  Video games do have negative attributes, that certainly is true.  But have you looked at the positive benefits?  Many claim that video games hurt your eyesight.  However, one of my best friends plays video games at least 6 hours a day, and his doctor said his eyesight is IMPROVING!  And what about friendships?  I have met some very good people through video games!  Video games are how I know most of my best pals!  And as for using them in good ways?  I have literally counseled a person through an online game who was actually thinking of suicide!  I am not joking you, this is one hundred percent legit!  

So instead of looking at all the bad traits of video games, and shutting them out completely, perhaps we should look at their good traits, and use them!  Teach people about the Christian religion!  Help others who are in depression!  Make someone's day!  There are so many ways that video games could be used greatly, you just have to look for them!

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