

Well Folks, I suppose ye art wondering why I have not posted in forever. Tis because I was doing other things and didn't have chance to write a blog post. One the things I have beening doind is and EPIC 21 DAY TRIP OUT WEST!!!!

Day 1- leave home and drive to Sioux City, SD.
Campground rating: 2/5
Drive rating: Boring.

Day 2- Leave Sioux City campground and drive to the Corn Palace, in Mitchel, SD. Leave the Corn Palace and drive to the Badlands National Park. Drive through Badlands National Park. During the Badlands drive we saw our first wildlife! We fed prairie dogs peanuts and saw wild goats. Then we drove to Wall Drug SD. I bought a Shuriken  and a spring loaded knife. After leaving Wall Drug, we drove to Custer State Park, SD.

Custer State Park, SD days 3-5.
We saw our first bison driving into Custer. We set up our camp site and I saw a another buffalo behind a hill right next to our camp site. The next day, a small herd of mule deer (2 doe, 2 fawns, 1 buck) where spotted by your truly. While in Custer we went and saw Mt. Rushmore and did the Scenic Needles Drive. I also tried and failed to teach my family how to play Five-Hundred.

Day 6: We drove from Custer through Wyoming to Yellowstone National Park.

Days 7-11: We have arrived at our campground in West Yellowstone, Montana. While in Yellowstone we saw huge herds of bison ( about a hundred and fifty bison per herd) and pods of elk (about twenty per herd.)  We also saw several osprey and a single mule deer. Me and my brother where the only ones to spy Yellow Bellied Marmots. Unfortunately, there was no bear sightings. We took a day while in our Yellowstone campground and visited the Grand Tetons National Park. There we took a short hike and spotted a moose lying in a creek. While in Yellowstone, I purchased a deck of waterproof playing cards and a dagger with a hilt shaped like Anduril's.

Day 12: Transit from Yellowstone to City of Rock and Castle Rock State Park, Idaho.

Days 13-14: We spent the next two days among large formation of cooled magma. Me and my brother evening got to rock climb some of them. We took a five mile hike the first day, went rock climbing the next. As for the wildlife in City of Rocks? Mostly lizards and Jackrabbits. At least four falcons were spotted, including one the just about hit my head. City of Rocks the first time I have ever been in a Semi-Arid climate.

Day 15: Transit from City of Rocks to Montrose, Colorado.

Day 16: Went the the Black Canyon of the Gunnison State Park in Gunnison, Colorado. Afterwards we did and 2 and a 1/2 hour scenic drive.

Day 17: We drove to Telluride, Colorado to see the finish of stage one in the USA Pro Cycling Challenge. Tyler Farrar won stage one, but Christian Vande Velde won the race. Last year's champion Levi Leipheimer, got second over all.

Day 18: Drove from Montrose to Denver.

Day 19: Spent the day with my cousins in Denver.

Days 20-21: Transit from Denver to Des Moines then Des Moines to Rockford, Michigan.

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