


And now, I show DeviantART artworks.

I first posted this on DeviantART. It's a pencil drawing that I started a little while ago and am very proud of it.   
This is a shark/dog hybrid inspired by one of my friends.  He describes his dog as a shark... XD
This is the back of my old art binder. View it on DeviantART.
Mwehehehehe, this is the BACK of my art binder right now. I am wearing a "CREEPERS GONNA CREEP" T-shirt in this image... :D
Me trying to hug a creeper. This is my NEW Art Binder cover! Hehehehe! On DeviantART 

(Achilles and countless other friends: FACEPALM)
Pokemon in Sharpie! On DeviantART
  This is a lovely whale.

No further description.

Okieday then I think that I will go now because I have an art trade I need to get finished.... as well as science that needs proofreading...


Have a nice day.


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