

HAII GUYS!! I haven't posted on here in FOREVER. This is not acceptable! I wish I had something worthwhile, though. Haven't photographed any of my art recently and I've been too busy with other stuff in my language arts class to work on Sharama. (COUGH GAG  HACK PERSONAL NARRATIVES AND "PARAGRAPHS) 

So, for an update in my life over the past few weeks:
~Worked on the third and fourth pages of Celestia's Order, as well as the schoolhouse in the first page. Coming along nicely.
~I turned the old blog for AoaSP into something new called "Snaketime." If you're interested in snakes, I would appreciate it if you checked it out- however, it is still a work in progress. As for the Shiny Pichu story, would anyone want me to redo it? I'm not terribly fond of it but I would redo it with current story lines and such. I don't really want to unless I have people interested, as I had about 14 chapters of crap story.
~School is taking over my life. I better get used to it if what I hear about high school is true.
~Eunice the snakeling died this week because of my stupidity. :( Oh, my wonderful raging hormones, I'm bawling my eyes out. XD
~Had a dude come to my school to talk about depression. I think it was because last year a girl committed suicide, but I'm not positive.

I will be playing all of the songs below in my band. I think Tocatta is my favorite by far. Don't even bother trying to guess my grade level based on these songs.

Speaking of band, I got first chair today in a chair test. I'm quite happy.  I feel a little twinge of injustice, but I'll get over it- it's only because the second chair girl had a harder part than the others. Weirds me out, but like I said- I'll get over it.

Fed the snakes today. Orangey is still sitting in my lap, nomming her fish happily. Kernel is curled up in a corner and Doofy is still slightly wounded from a cat. A bit traumatized.  I'm hoping they have their second shed soon. It's worrying me a little, but they seem to be fine. Perhaps as winter draws near they'll get their stringy tails in gear and start their li'l process. I dunno.

Anyways. Here, have some band music. 


~Squirrel the Mournful

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