

I started off with 100 minutes. Twenty minutes later, and all I've got are three chunks of pork chop, some grass and leaves, dirt, and one sand. I think I fail at this.

Anyways, my house is made of dirt right now... it's, uh, about three blocks tall and sixteen square
blocks in floor space. I better not encounter any endermen. 82:05 remaining In which I see a zombie, try to kill it from within my house, and fail miraculously. No creepers to hug yet, sadly. Startled while watching for zombies by a sudden "thok" noise. Turned around to see my makeshift "windows" (which really are just holes in the dirt) and LO AND BEHOLD!!! THERE IS A SKELETON SHOOTING THINGS AT ME!! So I naturally do what any normal person on their first night in Minecraft does. I start running in circles in my little hole, and stay up against a wall. It's still shooting at me. I kill it by u sing a method of jumping and clicking at semirandom intervals and obtain some arrows. THEN DISASTER STRIKES AS I STUPIDLY close the browser window. Miserable FAIL... Take two; thank goodness, I'm back in my hole.

 Day Two: Skeletons and Progress I start to hear  the zombies dying then decide that it's safe to run around. Some weird little orbs start attacking me but it takes me a minute to realize that it's just... EXP or something... and hear this weird noise like "CRNCHCRNCH" and it sounds like something verrry large has just emerged from SOMEWHERE. So I panic and delay exit of my hole. The "crunching" noise. That was another stupid skeleton. And it's shooting at me again. I get back in my hole and wait to see where the stupid thing is.

AAH ITS BEHIND A TREE AND IT WONT COME NEARER I'M DOOMED This one is a much better shot than the other one was. I really am bad at this. It's just kind of... standing there... maybe if
I made a crazed run for it... BUT MY HOLE.... ~sniffle~

Crazed run happens. There's ANOTHER skeleton waiting for me at the bottom of the hill my hole is embedded in. Time Left: 74:48 Hiding behind a tree. It's shooting at me but only hitting the tree... so far, so good. I just need to be able to attack it. I do some fancy sidestepping-- and am hit by an arrow. Ah, well. At least my death was somewhat valiant.

 Day Two::RESPAWN:: Skeletons and Progress Perhaps this time I'll stick nearer to the odd box and torches. aHA! I destroy the box, and WHAT DO YOU KNOW THERE WERE USEFUL THINGS IN IT-- oh my brain, why you no be logical XD This time I start out with tree stumps, wood, poles and an axe. OOH AN AXE. AHAHAHAAAAA... Oh, and some torches, too. I randomly have made a "button" out of a wood plank... umm... not seeing the significance in that... AW CRAP THE SUN IS GOING DOWN!! Time to dig a decent little hole. Or go up a tree. I don't know.

Night Two: First Tine for Everything Now I sit in a hole with only my torch and my axe to keep me company. I should probably go kill a pig. Or sheep. Or zombie. Or another skeleton. I need to have revenge on those skeletons. Wait for the sun to go all the way down... and then the noises start... Darn, still no creepers. I'm kinda sad. Nothing dares attack me in my dirt, stone and sand fortress hole. AHAHAHAHAHA. Does sand even serve a purpose? It won't even stay in place when I put it somewhere it is needed. Stupid sand; fine. Don't make a nice hole. I don't need YOU to make my hole cozy. And what use is this "button" really? I can't put it on my head. The Squirrel is bored. Getting bored. I venture out of my little hole to see what's outside. There is LITERALLY nothing out there. AHAHAHA. Several little shadows that look like jellyfish slop around in the water. Not sure that I want to encounter them... Then I see the Enderman. I know enough about the game not to put my crosshairs over it, but it has a block of... dirt... in its hands. I leave him be. He deserves his peace... (MEMORIES OF TOTAL IMPACT FLOOD INTO MY MIND...)
I venture back outside to show my brothers an Enderman. Then I dart back inside when it starts coming my way- and then the chirping noises start. I think it's the Enderman. I'm scared now because they can pick up blocks...



Day Three:  And the Enderman is gone. Thank goodness... So now  made a crafting table. Whee. Now I can't figure out how to use THAT. XD
TO BE CONTINUED.............

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