
A Random bit of thought

First off: Isn't this a great picture of Wolverine?
File:Jstephens--Wolverine James detail.jpg

Did you ever consider what would happen if the entire world was suddenly encased in white chocolate? It would end world hunger, but all that there would be to eat is white chocolate.

Random fact: The US military is trying to genetically engineer goats that will produce a substance like spider silk out of their utters. They would use this substance to make armor for SWAT.

Speaking of SWAT.... What a great name! Seriously, what are the chance of an amazing acronym like SWAT? (Special Weapons And Tactics.)

I've decided to try and get a world record for the most time spent with a pencil behind my ear.

Seriously, every time I look at the picture, I just think "What a boss."

If you got a book for Christmas, comment.

What is he standing on? A rock maybe?

Three out of three De Mans agree: The Amazing Spiderman was better than the original trilogy.

Scenario time!: You dog grows a thumb on the top of his head and starts pushing things with it. Then he randomly begins talking and has cow because he isn't allowed to vote! You argue that in human years, he's only three and you have to be 18 in HUMAN years to vote. He argues that, because he is a dog, his life should be measured in dog year.

Who invented dog year anyway? What a dumb idea. Who cares if a dog reaches physical maturity in a year? That doesn't mean that we have to create some confusing and somewhat stupid way to measure there lives?

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