
Fear of Atomic Explosions- Atomosophobia.

So sorry haven't posted at all. Family's busy, I'm busy, school's about to start (HOORAY!!)... yeah. Lotsa stuff goin' on.
I'm having a poll right now. You'll see it on the side there, should be to the right? Yes, that one. I'm going to start a series on the Zone, but first, I want to see what people are interested in. There's going to be five of these surveys, each lasting a week. Each one will have a question and five answers- pick the one YOU like the best and NOT the one you think "Oh, my girlfriend will start to like me more if I pick this one" or "hm. I hate them all. I think this one is the worst." Because those are just dumb excuses to vote- if you don't like them don't vote.
I'm thinking an animated series based off of an idea I got a whiiiiiile back... might... take place. I hope you guys don't mind no voice acting. Cause I don't have the right stuff to get voices in there.
The Zone almost lost a member...
i tried to sign up for something on Google... they asked for my age and I put it in... and I hit enter... MISTAKE. Oh, it was so awful... apparently I did something and had to prove that I was above 13....
BIG TIME THANKS TO MY DAD. I wouldn't be posting this without him....
ANYWAYS, back into the subject...
Well, I guess not. Meet Chucky.
MEET CHUCKY. IS he your friend... or is he your foe? You will never know. I know he's my friend :)
My brother has a broken arm, so I asked him to "commission" me to draw something. And of course he squanders this rare chance by telling me to draw "stupidest Link I've ever drawn". SO what do I do? I draw it, of course.
AWRIGHTY! That about wraps this up.

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